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Focail chosúla: cothromú · comhthrom · cothroime · cothromán · cothromas
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cothrom1, m. (gs. -oim). 1. Level; balance. Rud a chur i g~, ar a chothrom, to set sth. even; to adjust the balance of sth. Ar an g~, on the level, on level ground. I g~ le, level, on a par, with. Ar chothrom na sráide, at street level. Tá an mheá ina ~, the balance is set. Rud a chur ó chothrom, to unbalance sth. Baineadh dá chothrom é, he lost his balance. Tú féin a choinneáil ar do chothrom, to balance oneself. Bhí sé sínte ar a chothrom, he was laid out flat. D’éirigh sé de chothrom talún, he rose, jumped, right off the ground. Com: Ar ~, in balance. 2. Equal, equable, measure. ~ ruda, the corresponding amount of sth; a fair return for sth. Fuair sé ~ na malairte, he got a fair exchange. Fin: Ar ~, at par. Níl a chothrom den bhia aige, he hasn’t got his fair share of the food; he is not being properly fed. Tá ~ na sláinte agam, I am in reasonably good health. Bhí ~ de mhaoin an tsaoil acu, they had a sufficiency of worldly goods. Tá a g~ de luach orthu, they are fetching a fair price. Bhaineamar ~ na hoíche as, we made do with it for the night. 3. (Of time) ~ an lae, (on) the corresponding day, date. ~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth. ~ an ama seo aréir, at this very time last night. ~ na haimsire sin, at the corresponding period. 4. Fair play; fairness, equity. An ~ a dhéanamh le duine, to deal fairly with s.o. ~ na Féinne a thabhairt, a dhéanamh, do dhuine, to give, stand, s.o. fair play. I g~ (na)Féinne, in fair play; in fair fight. ~ dlí a fháil, to get even-handed justice, a fair trial. Ní thig liom ~ a bhaint as, I am unable to deal with, manage, him. Ní bhainfeadh an diabhal ~ díot, you are intractable. ~ a fháil ar rud, to get a fair chance at sth. Thógfainn é dá bhfaighinn ~ air, I would lift it if I could get at it properly.
cothrom2, a1. 1. Even; level, balanced. (a) Talamh ~, level ground. Chomh ~ le clár, as flat as a board. Meá chothrom, balanced measure. Cuir ort ~ é, put it on straight. (b)Bheith ~ le, to be even, level, with. ~ sa choimhlint, level in the contest. Airgead, punt, scór, ~, even money, pound, score. I gcuid chothrom le, on level terms with. Tá sé ~ lena chuid oibre, he is up to date with his work. S.a. cluiche 1(a).(c) (Adverbially of time) Uair, seachtain, ~, an hour, a week, exactly. Le mí ~, for a whole month now. Bliain ~ ó shin, exactly a year ago. 2. Fair, equable; average. Lá ~ oibre, average day’s work. Barr ~ cruithneachta, fair crop of wheat. Luach ~ saothair, fair return for work. Fear ~ tíre, ordinary (country)man; average man. Duine ~ ar bith, any ordinary person. Tá cloigeann ~ air, he is level-headed. Dhéanfadh sé rud ~ ar bith duit, he would do anything within reason for you. Bí ~ leis anois, be fair to him now. (Var: ~ach)
~ cothrom a thabhairt, to engage in fair fight.
~ chothrom, even step.
~ cothrom, evenly-played, drawn, game.
~ cothroime, relation of equality.
~ cothrom, balanced diet.
I g~ chothrom le, even with.
Táimid i g~ chothrom leis an lá, we have done a fair day’s work.
An dosaen cothrom, na ceithre scór, a dhéanamh, to make the even dozen, the four score.
~ nó cothrom, double or quits.
Cothrom na Féinne agus gan aon fhabhar, fair play and no favouritism.
~ cothrom tíre, ordinary (country)man; average man.
Cothrom le, level with.
Dhá ~ cothrom, two equal parts.
Ar mheá chothrom, evenly balanced.
~ cothrom a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a fair apportionment of sth.
Ar chothrom na talún, level with the ground.
~adh de chothrom talún é, he was lifted right off the ground.
~ chothrom, chorr, even, odd, number.
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