ar muir, ar cíos, ar cosa in airde, on sea, rented, galloping. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g.
Bainfidh mise an choisíocht díot, I’ll put a stop to your gallop.
Chuir sin ~ ina sháil, that put a stop to his gallop.
Luath in ~, fast-galloping, fast-moving, lively.
Ag ~áil ar sodar, ar cosa in airde, going at a trot, at a gallop.
Ar cosa in ~, at a gallop.
B’~ iad ag imeacht ar cosa in airde, off they went at a gallop.
Chuir sin deireadh lena ~, that put a stop to his gallop.
Ar ~ cos in airde, at full gallop.