Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é inti de: i »
inti : i2.
Níl inti ach ~ scine, it is only a makeshift of a knife.
Níl inti ach ~ (scine), it is only a makeshift (knife).
Ní mó ná go bhfuil an ~ inti, she is at her last gasp.
Bean mhaith a bhí inti, she was a good woman.
Tá an chaidéis inti, she is inquisitive by nature.
Níl ~ ar bith inti, she is in no way thrifty.
Tá ~ súl inti, she is good-looking.
Tá an ceol inti ó dhúchas, she is musical by nature; she comes of a musical family.
Scian a bhfuil ~ inti, a knife that cuts well.
Tá breicneach inti, she is freckled.
Bean mhaith atá inti, she is a good woman.
Is iomaí tír ar fhág siad ~ a gcos inti, they left their footprints in many lands.
Níl inti ach ~ i mbuidéal, she ‘is only a shadow in a bottle,’ is worn to a shadow.
Tá ~ inti, she is breathing hard.
Obair a bhfuil ~ inti, never-ending, protracted, work.
Chuir sé ~ inti, he took a liking to her; he fell in love with her.
Bhí sé ag cur ~e inti, he was paying attentions to her.
Bean a bhfuil ~ inti, a woman who is well able to manage.
Tá ~ súl inti, she attracts notice.
Níl aon ~ inti, she has no sense of economy.
Bean a bhfuil ~ inti, a good housewife, a thrifty housekeeper.
Sluasaid a bhfuil ~ mhaith inti, a shovel with a good scoop.
Níl ~ linbh inti, she is no bigger than a child.
Tá ~ maith inti, she is broad in the beam.
Tá an ~ sin inti, it is a trait in her character.
Péint a bhfuil ~ maith inti, a paint of good drying quality.
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