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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for give out »
give out. 1 v.tr a Roinnim, dáilim, riaraim (bia, etc.). b =GIVE OFF. c Fógraím, deirim os ard. To give out a notice, fógra a léamh amach. He gave it out that. . ., leath sé an scéal go . . . He gave himself out for a doctor, thug sé teist dochtúra air féin. 2 v.i. Téann de, téann i ndísc. My strength was giving out, bhí ag teip ar mo neart. Their wine gave out, chuaigh dá gcuid fíona.
He gave an answer out of his own head, d'fhreagair sé as a stuaim féin é.
To give out a notice, rud a fhógairt.
Give the bucket a swill out, scaoil braon uisce sa bhuicéad a ghlanfaidh amach é.
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