cearc, f. (gs. circe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Hen. (a) Domestic hen. ~ áil, éillín, hen with chickens. ~ ghoir, broody hen; Fig: restless, snappish, woman. Mar a bheadh ~ ghoir ann, like a broody hen, absurdly fussy. An chearc a dhíol lá na báistí, ‘to sell the hen on a rainy day’, to pick the wrong time for something. S.a. cailleach 2 (a), cos 1, croí 2, fad 5, piocadh 3, scríob2, tinneas 2. (b) Female bird. ~ cheannann, (bald-)coot. ~ fheá, hen pheasant. ~ fhrancach, turkey(-hen). ~ fhraoigh, (red) grouse. ~ ghainimh, dunlin. ~ ghuine, guinea-hen. ~ phéacóige, pea-hen. ~ uisce, waterhen. 2. ~ cholgach, shuttlecock. 3. (a) Moll: ~ gheal, cockle. (b) ~ bhradáin, female salmon. 4. Bot: ~ bhreac, spotted orchid. 5. Med: ~ ascaille, glandular swelling in armpit, bubo.
~ na huibhe circe, an éin ghé, na gloine, na fola, gentle treatment; coddling.
~ cearc, ainmhithe, chicken-feed, animal food.
Tá na cearca ag breith, the hens are laying.
An chearc is a ~, the hen with her chicks.
Chuirfeadh sé ~a crainn faoi na cearca, he would work wonders.
5. ~ circe, gé, gooseflesh.
Níl ~ circe aige, he is chicken-hearted.
~ na gcearc, hen-harrier.
~ circe, lachan, gé, chick, duckling, gosling.
D’~ an chearc de na huibheacha, the hen rose from, abandoned, the eggs.
Is trom cearc i bh~; caora mhór an t-uan i bh~, light burdens long borne grow heavy.
~ na coise circe, three-tressed plaiting.
Tá na cearca ~ta, the hens have moulted.
Spáráil na circe fraoigh ar an bh~, ‘the grouse sparing the heather’, unnecessary frugality.
~ a chur sna cearca, to shoo (away) the hens.
Cearc ar ~, clocking hen.
~ chearc, scraggy (flock of) hens.
2. Cearc ghuine, guinea-hen.
~ circe, double cable-stitch.
~ a chur faoi chearc ghoir, to set a clutch of eggs under a brood-hen.
Bhí na cearca i ndeireadh a ~, the hens were about to stop laying.
Cearc loin, hen blackbird.
Ní luífeadh an chearc ar na huibheacha, the hen would not hatch the eggs.
Tá na cearca á bpiocadh féin, the hens are preening themselves.
~ na gcearc, hen-harrier, kite.
Bhí mé faoi thrí ~ circe de, I was practically there.
Is olc an chearc nach ~ann di féin, ‘it’s a poor hen that will not scratch for itself.’
~ na gcearc, non-laying season for hens.
Cearc ina ~ ar uibheacha, a hen sitting on eggs.
Ní shuífeadh an chearc ar na huibheacha, the hen would not sit on the eggs.
Tá ~ na circe air, he has the fidgets.