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Similar words: cíon · cin · cionn · con · ion
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cion1, m. (gs. ceana). 1. Love, affection. ~ a thabhairt do, a bheith agat ar, dhuine, to become, to be, fond of s.o. Le ~ air, out of affection for him. An mac dar mhó ár g~, the son we cherished most. Mac an cheana, favourite son. ~ croí a dhéanamh le leanbh, to hug a child to one’s bosom. Barróg cheana, loving embrace. Ainm ceana, pet name. 2. Regard, esteem. ~ na fírinne a bheith agat ar dhuine, to give credence to s.o. Má tá ~ ar m’fhocal agat, if you have regard for my word. Tá ~ ar airgead aige, he values money. Níl ~ acu ar mo chomhrá, they have no time for my conversation. Níl ~ ar na rudaí sin anois, those things are not appreciated now. Níl ~ ar an airgead sin anseo, that money is of no value here. S.a. cúram. 3. Effect, influence. Dul i g~, to take effect. Rud a chur i g~ ar dhuine, to impress sth. on s.o. Focal, buille, a chur i g~, to drive home a statement, a blow. Chuir sé é féin i g~, he asserted himself. An rud is mó a chuaigh i g~ orm, what influenced me most. 4. Rud a chur ó chion, to destroy the value of, to ruin, sth. Chuir sé ó chion í, he destroyed her reputation. Ní hí an teanga a chuaigh ó chion, it was not the language that degenerated.
cion2, m. (gs. ~). Share, amount. Do chion féin a dhéanamh, to do one’s own share. ~ duine, one person’s share. Mo chion den obair, my share of the work. Déan do chion oibre, do your job of work. Tá an ~ trom den obair déanta, the heavy part of the work is done. Tá do chion (faighte) agat, you have (received) your share. Rinne sé ~ fir, he played a man’s part. Do chion a íoc, to contribute one’s share. ~ ranna, portion. Fuair sé ~ a raibh cosanta aige, he was given the amount he had earned. ~ láimhe, (in reference to teamwork) one person’s share; (as measurement) quarter of boat-load (in four-man boat). Ag obair ar chion a láimhe féin, working on his own account.
cion3, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~ta). Offence, transgression; blame. 1. Duine a chur i gcionta le rud, to lay the blame for sth. on s.o. Maith dúinn ár gcionta, forgive us our trespasses. Tá a chionta le haithint air, his looks condemn him. ~ báis, díotála, capital, indictable, offence. ~ faillí, culpable negligence. ~ focail, slip of the tongue. Trí mo chion féin, through my own fault. ~ sa chion, an eye for an eye. ~ a dhearmaid air! Let him pay for his mistakes! ~ a thomhais ort! Guess! 2. (Plural form used instead of singular) Is é a chionta féin é, it is his own fault. Bíodh a choir agus a chionta ort, you must take all the blame for it. Níl lá dá chionta air, he is not in the least to blame for it. (Var: gs. & gpl. ~adh)
~ muirne, ceana, pet name.
An lá cheana, the other day.
Fuair sé ~ a chionta, he got his deserts.
Cion agus ~, love and affection.
Chonaic mé ~ (féin) é, I have seen him already.
Mar atá ráite ~ (féin), as stated already.
Níor loic sé riamh ~ orm, he has never failed me before.
Tá an oíche ann ~ féin, it is already night.
An bhfuil sé déanta ~ féin agat? Have you done it already?
An lá ~, the other day.
An oíche ~ a bhí siad anseo, that last night they were here.
An bhfuil ocras ort? Tá ~. Are you hungry? Yes, indeed.
An tú atá ann? Is mé ~. Is that you? It is, indeed.
Agus ~, and furthermore.
Ach ~, but anyhow.
Ag seo ~ an ní a deir sé, moreover, this is what he says.
Cion an chiontaigh ar an neamhchiontach, the innocent suffers for the crimes of the wicked.
~ is cion is cúram, support and affection and care.
Le cois a bhfuair sé cheana, in addition to what he already received.
gan chion, thankless task.
Cion do dhearmaid ort, you may blame yourself for your negligence.
Agus é a dó dhéag cheana féin, and it already twelve (o’clock).
Is ea más ea! Is ea, cheana! Well, now!
~ mar a rinne sé cheana, just as he did before.
~ ceana, cooling off of affection.
Do chion a ~, to pay, contribute, one’s share.
Le cion ort a rinne sé é, he did it out of affection for you.
A cion i leith an linbh, her offence regarding the child.
1. Ní ~ sin mo chion air, I love him none the less for that.
Chuaigh siad ó chion, they fell into disregard.
Ó bhí tú anseo cheana, since you were here before.
Cion, cuid, ranna, allotted portion.
Tá do sheacht ndóthain le déanamh agat cheana féin, you have much more than enough to do already.
~ ceana, grá, warmth of affection, of love.
Chuaigh siad ó chion, they came to be regarded as worthless.
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