donn1, m. (gs. doinn). 1. Brown (colour). ~ a chaitheamh, to wear brown. 2. Brown animal. (a) (Of male) An D~ Cuailgne, the Brown Bull of Cuailgne. (b) (Of female) f. (gs. doinne). An ~ a bhleán, to milk the brown cow. 3. Hard brown timber. ~ darach, heartwood of oak. ~ réidh, straight-grained bogwood.
donn2, m. (gs. & npl. doinn, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: Noble, prince. 2. Pr.n. Dar D~! By Jove!
donn3, a1. 1. Brown. Dath, páipéar, ~, brown colour, paper. Gruaig dhonn, brown hair. Arán, siúcra, ~, brown bread, sugar. 2. Brown-haired. Buachaill, cailín, ~, brown-haired boy, girl. 3. (a) Made of hard brown timber. Dabhcha ~a, heartwood vats. Sciatha ~a, hardwood shields. (b) Strong, solid. Teach ~ daingean, strong and secure house. An domhan ~, the solid earth. 4. (Used as intensifying term) An duine ~ deireanach, the very last person. Go díreach ~, exactly so.
donn4 = dronn.
donn5 = donnaigh.
~ bán, donn, white, brown, sauce.
Tá dath donn air, it is of a brown colour.
~ donn, rua, brown bread.
~ dearg, donn, red, brown, colour.
~ donn, ~ gorm, dark brown, dark blue.
1. ~ (dubh, donn), blackthorn.
~ ceannchosach, donn, self-heal.
Níl sé ~ leis an donn, it doesn’t show up well against the brown.
Fill i bpáipéar donn é, fold it in brown paper.
~ a bheith donn agus dearg, part brown and part red.
Ó Conchúir Donn, the O’Conor Don.
~ donn, rua, brown sugar.
~adh an Donn Cuailgne ina cheann, the Donn Cuailgne was driven towards him.
Tá ~e donna aici, she has brown eyes.
Dá mba ór an duille donn thíolacfadh Fionn é, if the autumn leaves were gold Fionn would bestow them.