anuas, adv. & prep. & a. Down. 1. (Motion) (a) (From above) Teacht ~, to come down. ~ an bóthar, (coming) down the road. ~ as an spéir, down from the sky. Lig ~ an téad chugam, lower the rope to me. Tá a chuid fola ~ leis, he is dripping blood. (b) (From the south) ~ as Cúige Mumhan, from Munster in the south. (c) (From earlier time) Le bliain ~, for the past year. ~ ó ghlúin go glúin, down through the generations. 2. (Reduction) (a) (Of circumstances) Ag teacht ~ sa saol, coming down in the world. (b) (Of price, value) Tá luach an eallaigh ~, the price of cattle is down. Tá an plúr ~, flour is down (in price). Teacht ~ ar an luach, to reduce the price. An cíos a thabhairt ~, to reduce the rent. 3. (By way of reference) Ná tabhair, ná tarraing, ~ an scéal sin, don’t mention that story. Ba cheart duit a mbriathra féin a thabhairt ~, you should quote their own words. 4. ~ ar, down upon. (a) (Resting on) Leag ~ ar an mbord é, lay it down, rest it, on the table. (b) (As covering) Cuir an t-éadach leapa ~ air, cover him with the bedclothes. Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief. (c) (As a burden) Tá sin ~ ar mo choinsias, that is weighing on my conscience. Bíonn ualach ~ air i gcónaí, he always carries a burden. Tá an iomad ~ air, he has too much to contend with, too many to support. (d) (As a threat) Tá m’athair ~ orm, my father is down on me. Bheadh na comharsana ~ orainn, the neighbours would be down on us. Bhí an sagart ~ orainn faoi na damhsaí, the priest was giving out to us about the dances. 5. Com: Brought down. S.a. bain ~, braon 1 (b), caith ~, cuir ~, deoir1 2 (c), séideadh 2 (a).
~ anuas den tseilf é, take it down from the shelf.
~ anuas an chasóg sin díot, take that coat off you.
~ anuas an clog, take down, dismantle, the clock.
Le blianta ~a anuas, during the past few years.
Tháinig sé anuas ar a bhoinn, ar bhoinn a chos, he fell on his feet.
~ aníos, anuas, seepage from below, above.
Tá an ~ anuas againn, the roof is leaking over us.
~ eadh anuas é, he came down in the world.
Bhris an carr anuas orm, the car broke down on me.
Beidh sé ina bhró mhuilinn anuas ort, it will be a millstone round your neck.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
~ anuas ar do cheann é, pull it down over your head.
Bhuail mé anuas scilling é, I made him come down a shilling.
Bhuail sé anuas punt dom é, he knocked a pound off it for me.
~ anuas ar an urlár é, throw it down on the floor.
Bhí an citeal ~te anuas ar an tine, the kettle was down on top of the fire.
~ suas, anuas, up-, down-, beat.
~ anuas den bhalla é, knock it down off the wall.
Tá an simléar ag ~eamh anuas, there is a down-draught in the chimney.
Bíonn siad ag ~eamh anuas orm, they speak slightingly of me, belittle me.
~ anuas (i simléar), down-draught (in chimney).
~ anuas ar, bent down over.
~adh anuas, síos, to bend down.
Anuas den chrúca, off the peg.
~ anuas lochta iad, put them down off the loft.
Chuir sé anuas an leabhar chugam, he sent me down the book.
2. Tá an simléar ag cur anuas, there is a down-draught in the chimney.
~ cúlra, anuas, back-drop, drop-curtain.
Léim sé (anuas) den charraig, he jumped (down) from the rock.
Deora anuas, down drip (as from roof).
Níl a fhios agam faoi Dhia, ó Dhia anuas, I don’t know under heaven.
Bain anuas ina dhlaoithe é, remove it in strips.
anuas) an clár air, close (down) the lid on it.
D’ith siad an fheoil anuas díom, they lacerated me with their tongues.
An fheoil a bhaint anuas, to reduce weight.
~ anuas an bhraillín, turn down the sheet.
Anuas as na flaithis, down from heaven.
Ó na flaithis anuas, under heaven.
Shílfeá gur anuas dá athair a ~adh é, he is the exact image of his father.
Costas a ghearradh (anuas), to cut down costs.
Tháinig sé anuas ar a dhá ghlúin ag achainí orm, he appealed to me on bended knee.
Anuas níos íochtaraí, at a lower, later, date.
anuas) den bhalla é dom, chugam, take it down off the wall for, to, me.
Curach a leagan anuas, to carry a currach down to the sea.
Tá siad leáite anuas air, they are all over him, dote on him.
Tá sé leata anuas ar an talamh, he is spread out on the ground.
Rud a ~ean anuas, to let down, lower, sth. (from above).
~ anuas an fhuinneog, lower the window.
~ sí anuas a cuid gruaige, she let down, loosed, her hair.