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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: búáil · bail · brail · buaic · buaile
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Seans gur foirm é buail de: uail »
buail, v.t. & i. (vn. -aladh). Hit, strike; beat. 1. Duine, rud, a bhualadh, to beat, strike, s.o., sth. ~ an liathróid, strike the ball. Bhuail gluaisteán é, a car hit him. ~eadh sa lorga mé, I was knocked on the shin. ~ de na hailt é, hit him with the knuckles. ~ in airde é, knock it up. Bhuail sé bradán, he struck, hooked, a salmon. Bhain sé slat a bhuailfeas é féin, he has cut a rod for his own back. Prov: An té a bhuailtear sa cheann bíonn eagla air, a burnt child dreads the fire. Níl ansin ach ~ an ceann agus seachain an muineál, it is a mere quibble; it is six of one and half a dozen of the other. S.a. cos 1, lámh1 2. 2. Strike repeatedly, rhythmically. Arbhar a bhualadh, to thresh corn. Bainne a bhualadh, to churn milk. Ubh a bhualadh, to beat up an egg. Sciatháin a bhualadh, to flap wings. Bhí na gainéid ag bualadh, the gannets were diving. Druma a bhualadh, to beat a drum. Port a bhualadh, to play a tune. Ag bualadh píbe, téad, playing on bagpipes, on a stringed instrument. Tá an doras ag bualadh, the door is rattling. S.a. báire 1, cath 1, clog1 1. 3. Pulsate. Croí, cuisle, ag bualadh, heart, pulse, beating. Tá an chneá ag bualadh, the wound is throbbing. 4. Beat into shape. Iarann a bhualadh, to beat out iron. Airgead a bhualadh, to mint money. Bonn a bhualadh, to strike a coin, a medal. Cosán a bhualadh, to beat a path. 5. Defeat, overcome. Arm a bhualadh, to defeat an army. Cárta a bhualadh, to beat, trump, a card. Duine a bhualadh i gcoimhlint, i gcluiche, to beat s.o. in a contest, in a game. Tá mé ~te ag do cheist, your question has me stumped. Tá an fear sin ~te, that man is beaten, finished. Tá an lá inniu ~te, there will be no work, no more work, done today. Ní raibh mé ~te riamh go dtí anois, I was never in such a sorry plight. Bhuail sin a bhfaca mé riamh, that surpasses anything I have ever seen, beats everything. Níl tú ~te nuair atá do shláinte agat, you are not too badly off while you have your health. 6. Strike down. Bhuail an eitinn é, he was stricken with tuberculosis. ~eadh breoite é, he fell sick. Bhuail an bás é, he met his death. Bhuail an ghrian é, he got sunstroke. ~eadh sa cheann é, he was knocked on the head; he became a bit crazy. ~eadh sa taobh é, his side became paralysed. Bhuail an gála í, (of ship) the gale struck, crippled, her. 7. (Of appetites, emotions) Seize, take hold of. Bhuail tart, ocras, mé, I was seized with thirst, with hunger. Bhuail eagla, náire, é, he was struck with fear, with shame. Cad é a bhuail é? What came over him? Bhuail smaoineamh mé, a thought struck me. Bhuail tallann feirge é, he took a fit of anger. Má bhuaileann an fonn é, if he takes the notion. 8. Bhuail sé breoite, he fell ill. 9. Strike course, proceed. ~ mar seo, come this way. Bhuail siad isteach sa choill, they struck into the wood. ~ ar aghaidh, go right ahead. ~ as sin! Clear away from there! Is fadó ó bhuail sé an bealach seo, he hasn’t come this way for a long time. Bhuail sé abhaile, he went off home. ~eadh isteach sa teach é, he happened to come into the house. S.a. bóthar 1. 10. Touch, reach. Tír, cladach, a bhualadh, to touch land, shore. Cuan, port, a bhualadh, to make harbour, port. Níor bhuail na scadáin an cósta seo fós, the herring have not reached this coast yet. 11. Place, put, take. ~ i do phóca é, put it in your pocket. Bhuail mé chugam mo sheanasal, I took my old donkey with me.
Tá tú in ~ do bhuailte, you are in for a hiding.
Tá sé in ~ a bhuailte, he is in danger of being beaten.
Fiú) ~ is nár bhuail sé mé, even though he did not strike me.
Bhuail ~ mé, tháinig ~ ionam, I got a sudden pain in my side.
Buaileadh síos faoi ~ é, he got a relapse.
(Is) ~ buailte é, it is a lost game, cause.
Tháinig an ~ air; bhuail an ~ é, he became fatally ill.
Buaileadh ~ orm, I was had.
Chuir, bhuail, sé ~ ar a éadan, he gave his face a quick wash, a lick and a promise.
Buail (an) ~! Beat, hook, it!
Bhíomar ag bualadh bóthair ar feadh an lae, we were tramping the road all day.
Buaileadh ~ é, he was struck down by illness.
Buaileadh go ~ é, he was brutally, savagely, beaten.
~ amach an mála, beat out the (contents of the) bag.
~ amach as an teach iad, beat them out of the house.
~ amach an doras orthu, slam the door against them.
Bhuail sé amach mé sa rang, he excelled me in the class.
~eadh amach é sa rás, he was outdistanced in the race.
3. ~ amach faoin spéir, tír, get out into the open air, country.
~ aníos chugainn lá éigin, call up to see us some day.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
~ anuas ar do cheann é, pull it down over your head.
Bhuail mé anuas scilling é, I made him come down a shilling.
Bhuail sé anuas punt dom é, he knocked a pound off it for me.
~ anuas ar an urlár é, throw it down on the floor.
~ ar an doras, knock at the door.
Ag bualadh ar an díon, beating against the roof.
Bhuail sé a cheann ar an matal, he knocked his head against the mantelpiece.
Bhuail sé dorn orm, he hit me with his fist.
Bhuail sé buille de bhata orm, he struck me a blow with a stick.
~eadh, bhuail, an bád ar charraig, the boat struck on a rock.
Ag bualadh ar an veidhlín, ar an bpíb, playing on the violin, on the bagpipes.
Bhuail sé bleid orm, he accosted me.
Bhuail siad achrann air, they started a row with him.
~im ort, I challenge you (to pick a team against me, etc.).
~ ort do chóta, throw on your coat.
Ná ~ an milleán ormsa, don’t throw the blame on me.
An rud suarach a ~eadh orm, the sordid thing that was foisted on me.
~ sreangán air, put a cord on it.
~eadh cúirt orthu, court proceedings were brought against them.
~ ar do rothar agus bain as, get up on your bicycle and be off.
5. ~te ar, touching upon, adjoining.
Tá na tithe ~te ar a chéile anseo, the houses here adjoin, are set close together.
Tá sé ~te ar bharr na haille, it is set on the very edge of the cliff.
Bhí an citeal ~te anuas ar an tine, the kettle was down on top of the fire.
Tá a dhá thaobh ~te ar a chéile, its two sides are pressed together; he is extremely thin.
Tá a cheann agus a chosa ~te ar a chéile, he is bent double.
Bualadh chun poirt, chun an aonaigh, to make for port, set off for the fair.
Bualadh chun cainte le duine, to join in conversation with s.o.
~ chun suain, get off to sleep.
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