caoi1, f. (gs. ~, pl. caíonna). 1. Lit: Way, path. ~ chomhréidh, level path. Ní leanann siad ~ ná conair, they follow no recognized path. Ar chaoi cheithre slí, where four roads lead. 2. Way, manner. An chaoi le rud a dhéanamh, the way to do sth. An chaoi a mbeireann sé air, the way he catches it. Ar chaoi nach mbrisfear iad, in such a away that they will not get broken. Is é an chaoi a bhfuil sé (go), the fact is (that). Is é an chaoi ar chaill sé é, what happened was that he lost it. I g~, sa chaoi, (is) go, so that. Ar an g~ seo, in this way. Ar an g~ chéanna, in the same way. Ar chaoi éigin, somehow. Ar aon chaoi; ar chaoi ar bith, anyway, in any case. 3. Means, opportunity. ~ a fháil ar, le, rud a dhéanamh, to find a way of doing sth. Dul i g~ ar rud a dhéanamh, to put oneself in the way of doing sth. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud a dhéanamh), to give s.o. the means, an opportunity (to do sth.). Má bhíonn ~ agat air, if you get a chance to do it. Nuair a bhí ~ imeachta aige, when he had a chance to leave. 4. (a) Order, (proper) condition. ~ a chur ar rud, to put sth. in order; to repair sth. Cuir ~ ort féin, ar na seomraí, tidy yourself, the rooms. Tá ~ mhaith orainn, we are in a good way, well off. Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? How are you? Chuir siad ~ orm i gcomhair na hoíche, they fixed me up for the night. (b) ~ a chur ar dhuine, to discuss s.o.
caoi2 = caí.
~ ar chaoi ar bith, but in any case.
Cén chaoi a n-airíonn tú? How do you feel?
Conas taoi? Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? Cad é mar tá tú? How are you?
Lá caoi ~, day of general mourning.
Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú ag ~? What is your ailment?
Cén chaoi? Cén dóigh? In what way? How?
An chaoi cheart lena dhéanamh, the right way to do it.
~ carad caoi namhad, disunity plays into the hands of the enemy.
Níl ~ ná déanamh (caoi, craiceann, crot) air, it has neither shape nor form.
Bhí siad ag caoi agus ag ~, they were weeping and lamenting.
Cén chaoi a bhfuil an cluiche ag imeacht? How is the match going?
Cén chaoi a bhfuil an mháistreás? How is the missus?
Tá caoi shuarach orthu, they are in a very poor way.
Chuaigh caoi air ó shin, it has been repaired since.