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Focail chosúla: cumá · coma · cufa · cum · cumaí
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Seans gur foirm é cuma de: cum »
cuma1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ). 1. Shape, form; appearance, look, effect. (a) ~ a chur ar rud, to give a shape, a proper appearance, to sth. Tá sé as a chuma, it is out of shape. Rud gan chuma, shapeless thing. Níl ~ ná déanamh (caoi, craiceann, crot) air, it has neither shape nor form. Chuir tú ~ eile air, you transformed it. Chuir mé ~ bheag, ~í beaga, air, I added little finishing touches to it. (b) Chuir sé ~ na hoibre, na troda, air féin, he put on a workmanlike appearance, struck a fighting attitude. Tá ~ óg, an linbh, an rógaire, air, he looks young, like a child, like a rogue. Tá ~ mhaith, na maitheasa, orthu, they look good. Tá ~ bheag, bhreoite, thuirseach, air, he has a poor, sickly, tired, appearance. Cén chuma a bhfuil tú? How are you? Tá ~ ort go bhfuil tú gnóthach, you look busy. Tá ~ fearthainne air, it looks like rain. Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, look to your appearance, smarten yourself up. Tá an chuma sin air, so it seems. Tá sé de chuma air go, it looks as if. (c) Bhí sé ag cur ~í air féin (chugam, liom), he was making faces (at me). Chuir sé ~í móra air féin, he gave himself airs. 2. Ar chuma ruda, in the manner of, like, sth. Ar chuma an lae inniu, just like today. Ar chuma éigin, somehow. Ar aon chuma, ar chuma ar bith, at any rate. Ar an g~ sin, in that respect. Ar an g~ chéanna, similarly. De réir cuma, apparently. Ar mo chuma féin, like myself, as in my own case. Ar chuma go dtuigfear thú, in such a way that you will be understood.
cuma2, a. 1. (With copula) Equal, the same. Is ~ liom, it is all the same to me; I don’t care. Is ~ duit, it doesn’t matter to you; it is none of your business. Is ~ cá bhfuair sé é, it doesn’t matter where he got it. Is ~ cad é dúirt sé, no matter what he said. Ba chuma leis faoi rud ar bith, he didn’t care about anything. Is ~ nó bás é, it is the same as death. Ba chuma liom agam nó uaim é, I didn’t care whether I had it or not. Is ~ ann nó as iad, they will not be missed, are of no account. Is ~ ach gan an diúlach sin a theacht, it doesn’t matter provided that fellow doesn’t come. Ba chuma riamh é go dtí sin, it was then that things really became serious. Is ~ cé acu atá nó nach bhfuil, no matter whether or not. Is ~ cé acu, but anyway; to come to the point. Is ~! No matter! 2. (In phrase) Bheith ar nós cuma liom faoi rud, to be indifferent to sth.
cumá, interr. adv. (With ná, nach) Why (not)? ~ nach suíonn tú? Why don’t you sit down? (Var: cuma3)
Bíonn cuma ~ ar an tír sa gheimhreadh, the country looks dreary in the winter.
Tá cuma ~ air, he looks grotesque.
Is cuma ~ nó as é, it doesn’t matter about it.
Tá cuma ~ air, he looks weather-beaten, the worse for wear.
Tá cuma chaite orthu, they look worn.
Tá cuma bheathaithe air, he looks well-fed.
Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it.
Is cuma liom ~ nó éag, mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die.
Cuma bhómánta, vacant look, appearance.
Is cuma leis an dall cé air a bhfuil an bhreall, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
Bhí cuma bhriste air, he looked crestfallen.
Tá cuma bhuartha air, he looks worried.
Tá cuma bhúidíneach air, he has a hang-dog look about him.
Is cuma liom cé acu a bhí sé ann nó nach raibh, I don’t care whether he was there or not.
Ar an gcuma chéanna, in like manner.
Cuma cheannasach, commanding appearance.
Cuma chothaithe, well-fed, plump, appearance.
Tá cuma chroite air, he looks shaken.
Is cuma leis an óige cá gcroithfidh sí a cos, youth must have its fling.
Chuir tú cuma mhaith air, you gave it a good appearance.
Is cuma duit, it doesn’t matter to you.
Is cuma liom den ~, I don’t care in the least.
Is cuma liom sa ~, I don’t care a rap.
Tá cuma dhúr air, he looks surly.
Tá cuma an eolais air, he has a knowledgeable appearance.
~ an chuma atá air, look at his appearance.
Ní fheictear dom an chuma atá air, he doesn’t look good to me.
Tá cuma fhiánta air, he has a wild, haggard, look.
Tá cuma fhorlíonta air, he has a well-fed, plump, appearance.
Tá cuma ghnaíúil uirthi, she looks pretty.
Bhí cuma ~ air, he looked terrible.
Tá cuma ídithe air, he looks worn-out, wasted.
D’~ mé duit an chuma a bhí air, I told you what he looked like.
Tá cuma mhairbhiteach air, he appears listless.
Ba chuma liom mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I didn’t care whether I lived or died.
~ gan chuma, shapeless mass.
Tá cuma mheata orthu, they have a sickly appearance.
Cuma mheathlaithe, sickly appearance.
Cuma mhoiglí, soft, placid, appearance.
Cuma ~, unperturbed, unruffled, appearance.
Is cuma liom agam nó uaim é, I don’t care whether I have it or not.
Tá cuma ~ air, he has a hungry look.
Tá cuma ~te air, he looks a wreck.
Is cuma sa ~, it doesn’t matter a damn.
Ní shamhlófá go brách an chuma a bhí air, you could never imagine what he looked like.
Tá cuma na scríbe air, he has a battered appearance.
An rud is measa de ~ a bheith ar nós cuma liom, the worst feature of it is your indifference.
Bhí cuma shonraíoch ar gach uile rud sa mharbhsholas, everything looked peculiar in the half-light.
Cuma shuaithinseach, distinctive appearance.
De mo thairbhese de, is cuma liom, as far as I am concerned, I don’t care.
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