chucu, chugaibh, chugainn:chun.
~ mo bheannacht chucu, give them my regards.
Níor chuir mé chucu ná uathu, I said nothing to, did not meddle with, them.
Chuir Dia clann chucu, God gave them children.
Dúirt sé nárbh fholáir scéala a chur chucu, he said that word should be sent to them.
Ghlac siad an comhrá chucu féin, they took over, monopolized, the conversation.
Tá gach aon rud ag méadú chucu, everything is prospering for them.
~ mé anonn chucu tamall, I ran over to them for a while.
Caith in airde ar ~ sceab chucu é, throw it up and let them scramble for it.
Caith sa ~ chucu iad, make them scramble for them.
Má théann tú ar ais chucu ~, if you go back to those people.
~ amach sa pháirc chucu é, take it out to them in the field.
Tharraing siad chucu mé, they began to talk about me.
Tuilleadh ~ chucu! It serves them right!
Ar mo thuras chucu, on my visit to them.