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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: chuig · chuile · chug · chúig · cúige
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Seans gur foirm é chuige de: chuig » · chun »
chuige1, adv. At all. Níl sé dorcha ~, it is not dark at all. Níor thuigeas ~ é, I didn’t understand him at all. (Var:chuigint, chuigis)
chuige2: chun.
Gabh ~ chuige, go over to him.
Tá sé chuige féin ~, he has recovered; he is back to normal.
Tabhair mo bheannacht dó, cuir mo bheannacht chuige, give him my kind regards.
Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living.
Tá sé ag breith chuige féin, he is getting cautious, drawing in his horns.
Ar na ~ chuige, nearing it, nearly.
Bhí an deoch ag ~ chuige, the drink was beginning to affect him.
Bhuaileamar chun an tí chuige, we called to him at his house.
Bualadh chuige, to beat up to windward.
Dia le ~ chuige! God help him!
~ chuige? Why.
~ chuige ar bhuail tú é? Why did you beat him?
~ chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
~ chuige nach bhfaca tú é? Surely you saw it?
Ní bhfuair mé in aon chor é. ~ chuige? I didn’t get it at all. Why?
~ chuige é, throw it to him; let him have it.
Níl aon chall agat dó, chuige, you have no call on it, no right to it.
Chuaigh mé ~ díreach chuige, I went straight to him.
Thug sé ~ chuige í, he hove to.
Tá an bád ~ chuige, the boat is lying to.
Cheap sé aimsir chuige, he fixed a time for it.
Cuir chuige an bainne, pass the milk to him.
Níor chuir tú chuige i gceart, you did not go the right way about it.
Má tá an fonn ort chuige, if you feel that way inclined.
Seo chuige! Here goes!
Chuige, a fheara! Go to it, men!
Thug sin chuige féin é, that brought him to, to his senses.
Gan pingin chuige ná uaidh, not a penny more or less.
Chuige sin, to that end.
Cad chuige? Why?
Cad chuige sin? Why that? Why so?
Cad chuige ar imigh tú? Why did you go away?
Cad chuige nach suíonn tú? Why don’t you sit down?
Cad chuige a bhfuil sé díom? What does he want with me?
Bhí an aimsir chuige, the weather was suitable for it.
Chonlaigh sé chuige, he shrank into himself.
Ag crónú chuige, getting late, approaching the last stages.
~ chuige an t-arán, pass the bread to him.
Chuir sé chuige scian is forc, he took up a knife and fork.
Má chuireann tú chuige, if you set yourself to it.
Dá gcuirfí chuige mé, if I were put to it.
Is tú a chuir suas leis, chuige, é, it was you who put him up to it.
Lig ~ bheag anála chuige, let him have a little breath of air.
Ná ~ scríobh chuige, don’t forget to write to him.
Tá tú ar do dheis chuige, you are in the right place for it.
Cad chuige duit é sin a rá? Why do you say that?
Tháinig ~ litreacha chuige, he received a batch of letters.
Tá ~ maith airgid ag teacht chuige, there is a good sum of money coming to him.
D’~ sé a mhac a thabhairt chuige, he ordered his son to be brought to him.
Má tá tú ~ chuige, if you are free to do it.
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