cuairt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna; pl. -arta used with numerals). 1. Circuit; round, course. ~ na cruinne, na hÉireann, a thabhairt, to make a circuit of, travel round, the globe, Ireland. Thugamar ~ na cathrach, na tíre, we toured the city, the country. Thug siad ceithre cuarta an tí, they went all round, searched every corner of, the house. Rinne sí cúpla ~ (chniotála) ar an stoca, she knitted a few rounds of stitches on the stocking. ~ chigireachta, round, tour, of inspection. ~ de rás, a lap of a race. Thug sé ~ den bhata dó, he beat him all over with the stick. Fá g~, um a g~ = máguaird. 2. Visit. ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, ar áit, to visit a person, a place. Dul, teacht, ar ~ (chuig, chun), to go, come, on a visit (to). Bhí siad ar ~ againn, they were on a visit to us. ~ ar dhaoine tinne, a visit to sick people. Déan do chuairt, stay for a while. ~ mhíosa, monthly visit; bride’s home visit after honeymoon. ~ an lao ar an athbhuaile, ‘the calf’s visit to the old milking place’, a nostalgic revisit. Prov: ~ ghearr is a déanamh go hannamh, ‘a short visit and not too frequent’, one should not wear out one’s welcome. 3. Occasion, time. A trí nó a ceathair de chuarta, three or four times.
cuairt2 = cúirt.
Ar cuairt, ar teachtaireacht, ar oilithreacht, on a visit, a message, a pilgrimage.
Cuairt a thabhairt ar na ~ sin, to visit that locality.
Ar cuairt ag a chéile, on a visit to each other.
Cuairt, comhrá, faoi choim, secret visit, conversation.
Cuairt Domhnaigh, a Sunday visit.
Is ~ leo cuairt a thabhairt orainn, they usually pay us a visit.
agus) D’imigh siad agus ~ sásta lena gcuairt, they went away satisfied with their visit.
Is minic leo cuairt a thabhairt orainn, they often visit us.
~ ar mhinic mo chuairt, where I often visited.
Cuairt mhinic, frequent visit.
Cuairt reatha, fleeting visit.
D’fhág sé seo ar shéala cuairt a thabhairt ort, he left here with the apparent intention of visiting you.
Cuairt a thabhairt ar na ~, to visit the old home.
Thug siad cuairt na hÉireann, they took a trip round Ireland.
~ ar cuairt chugainn, come and visit us.
Bhain a gcuairt an t-~ dínn, their visit dispelled our loneliness.