gair1, f. 1 = gaire 1. 2. (In phrases) Níl ~, aon ghair, aige (ar) a bheith chomh láidir leat, he is not nearly as strong as you. Níl ~ ag ceachtar acu air mar chainteoir, neither of them can compare with him as a speaker. Níl ~ ná gaobhar acu air, they come nowhere near him.
gair2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~m, pp. ~the). Call. 1. (a)An chuach ag ~m, the cuckoo calling. Ghair an coileach san adhmhaidin, the cock crowed in the early dawn. (b) Duine a ghairm chugat, to call s.o. to you. Níor ~eadh chun an chruinnithe iad, they were not summoned to the meeting. Rud a ghairm ar ais, to revoke sth. Lit: Ghair siad a ndéithe bréige, they invoked their false gods. (c) Sláinte a ghairm, to propose a toast. 2. (With ar) Call upon, summon, invoke. ~m ar dhuine, to call upon, summon, s.o. ~ ar do mhadra, call in your dog. Ghair siad os ard ar Dhia, they called aloud to God. (Of vocation) ~eadh chun na hEaglaise, chun an léinn, air, he was called to the Church, to be a man of learning. 3. (With de) Name, proclaim, inaugurate. Rí a ghairm de dhuine, to proclaim s.o. king. Sular ~eadh Ó Néill de, before he was inaugurated as the O’Neill. Fear ar ~eadh Eoin de, a man (who was) called John. 4. Acclaim. Bheith ~the as rud, to be acclaimed, famous, for sth. ~im thú! I acclaim you! Good for you! ~im agus coisricim thú! God preserve you from harm!
gair3 : gar1.
Is gaire ~ Dé ná an doras, God’s help is always at hand.
Is deise, gaire, do dhuine a léine ná a chóta, charity begins at home.
~eadh amach gairm chugainn, a call was sent out to us.
Gairm ~a, profession of medicine.
Ná tar i mo, ar mo, ghaire, don’t come near me.
Ní rachainn ina ghaire ná ina ghaobhar, I wouldn’t go next or near him.
~ gaoil, closeness of relationship.
Ar ghaire trá, convenient to a strand.
~ na cuaiche, the cuckoo’s call.
Le ~ na gcoileach, at cock-crow.
Níl ann ach ~ in aghaidh gaoithe, it is only a waste of breath.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to summon, send for, s.o.
~ slógaidh, call to arms, mobilization.
~ choiteann a thabhairt, to give a general invitation; to issue a general proclamation.
~ ar ais, recall, revocation.
~ rí, uaisleachta, title of king, of nobility.
~ easpaig a thabhairt do dhuine, to inaugurate s.o. as a bishop.
Tá ~ ó Dhia aige, he has a call from God.
~ chrábhaidh, religious vocation.
Tá ~ dochtúra aige, he is a doctor by profession.
~ a bheith faoi do choinne ag daoine, to be acclaimed, welcomed, by people.
An té is gaire céim dó, the person nearest in rank to him.
Ceird, gairm, na ~a, the art, profession, of writing.