iomarca, f. (gs. ~). 1. Excess, superfluity; too many, too much. (Often preceded by article) (An) ~ cainte, oibre, codlata, too much talk, work, sleep. (An) ~ daoine, focal, too many people, words. An ~ de rud a bheith agat, to have too much of sth. Bhí an ~ deifre ort leis, you were in too great a hurry with it. Tá an ~ le rá aige, he talks too much. Gan ~ gan easpa, neither too much nor too little. 2. (a) Advantage, superiority. ~ a bhreith, a ghabháil, ó dhuine, to gain an advantage over s.o. Níor dhligh siad ~ uainn, they were not entitled to claim superiority over us. (b) Arrogance, presumption; oppression, injustice. Uabhar agus ~, pride and arrogance. ~ agus éagóir, oppression and injustice. (c) D’~, in addition, over and above. Tá briseadh na haithne d’~ ann, in addition to that it violates the commandment. (Var:~idh f)
An iomarca cainte, too much talk.
Tá an iomarca ar na bioráin agat, you have too many irons in the fire.
Gan iomarca gan ~, neither too much nor too little.
Fuair siad an iomarca fearthainne, they got too much rain.
Ná ~ an iomarca ort féin, don’t take too much on yourself.
Níl an iomarca de ~ agat, too much of it is not good for you.
Tá an iomarca ~a ina cheann, he is too fond of distraction.
Táimid ag dul tríd an iomarca ola, we are using up too much oil.