salachar, m. (gs. -air). 1. Dirt. ~ ar éadach, ar bhróga, dirt on clothes, on shoes. Ag siúl i ~, walking in mud, in filth. 2. Ordure. ~ éan, bird-droppings. ~ duine, human ordure. 3. Sordidness; impurity, obscenity; scurrilousness. ~ an pheaca, the defilement of sin. ~ nach nífidh uisce, shame that water will not wash away. ~ cainte, smutty talk. Ag cur salachair ar dhaoine, slinging mud at people. Tá an ~ iontu, they are a foul lot. 4. (a) (Of physical disorders) ~ craicinn, skin eruption. ~ béil, (i) thrush, (ii) orf. ~ rásúir, barber’s itch. (b) ~ (bó), afterbirth (of cow). 5. Dross. ~ umha, verdigris. ~ airgid, silver dross. 6. Weed infestation. ~ i dtalamh, i mbarra, weedy growth in land, in crops. 7. Spattering, sprinkling. Cibé ~ bia a bhí ar an urlár, whatever spattering of food there was on the floor. ~ gaoil, distant relationship. 8. Drizzle. ~ ceo, báistí, drizzling mist, rain.
An craiceann, an salachar, a chartadh de rud, to scrape the skin, the dirt, off sth.
~ salachair, coat of dirt.
Idir an ~ agus an salachar, between the clear ground and the weeds.
Salachar a ghlanadh de, as, rud, to clean dirt from, out of, sth.
Smál, salachar, a ~ean ar éadach, to let clothing become stained, soiled.
~ an salachar de, wash the dirt off it.
~ an salachar de, sweep the dirt off it.
~ salachair, speck of dirt.
Ná lig salachar ~d an arbhar, don’t let dirt get into the grain.