scoir1, v.t. & i. (vn. scor pp. -ortha). 1. (a) Unyoke, unharness. Capall a scor, to unyoke a horse. (b) Disconnect, detach. Rudaí a scor ó chéile, to detach things from each other. Ciorcad a scor, to break a circuit. ~eadh an glao, the call was disconnected. (c) Separate, take apart. ~ sé an clog, he took the clock to pieces. ~ an stoirm an coirce, the storm caused the oats to shed the grain. (d) Release, dismiss. Cuideachta a scor, to break up company. Duine a scor as a phost, to retire s.o. from his post. (e) Stop, terminate. Conradh a scor, to terminate an agreement. ~ do bhéal, stop talking. 2. (a) Come to a halt, stop, rest. Níor ~ siad feadh an lae den turas sin, they continued the journey all day without stop. (b) Cease, desist. Scor den obair, to leave off work. ~igí den ghleo, stop making noise. ~ sé dár dteagasc, he stopped teaching us. (c) Disintegrate. ~ na cláir as a chéile, the boards fell apart.
scoir2 = scor4.
scoir3 :scor1,2.
~ scoir, time to knock off.
Is fada ~ ó am scoir é, it is very far from being time to knock off.
~ scoir, finishing stroke.
~ a scor, to break a circuit.
D~ Éireann a thionól, a scor, to assemble, recess,
Scoir siad den obair, they left off work.
~ fágála, scoir, notice to quit, of discontinuance.
~ scoir, stableman, groom.
~ (mór) a ghabháil, a scor, to limber, unlimber, a gun.
Scor de ~, to cease fire.
~ capaill, unyoking of horse.
~ coltair, removal of coulter.
~ ciorcaid, breaking of circuit.
~ cruinnithe, break-up of meeting.
~ gnó, suspension of business.
~ cumainn, termination of association.
~ éigeantach, compulsory retirement.
Ordú scoir, retirement order.
Bheith ar ~, to be released from work.
Cead scoir, permission to leave off work.
Am scoir, leaving-off time.
An buille scoir, the final blow; the finishing stroke.
Urchar scoir, parting shot.
2. ~ (srathrach), straddle-pin.
Ar ~ ar bith, in any case, at any rate.