call1, m. (gs. ~).1. Call, need. Níl ~ leis sin, there is no call for that. Ní ~ duit labhairt, you have no need to speak. Má bhíonn ~ agam leis, if I need it. Ní ~ a rá go, it goes without saying that. Má tá tú ina chall, if you need it. Níl aon chall bróin air, he has no cause for sorrow. ~ is ocras, want and hunger. Níl ~ ar bith air, he wants for nothing. Gan chall, needlessly. 2. Claim, right. Níl aon chall agat dó, chuige, you have no call on it, no right to it. Níl aon chall acu chun a chéile, they have no claim on each other; there is no relationship between them.
call2 = coll1.
Deirimse mairteoil leat! That’s what I call beef!
Is maith an té atá ag tabhairt achasáin uaidh, the pot calling the kettle black.
Ná baintear an t-~ den bhairín, den bhlonag, call a spade a spade.
~ amach, call out by name.
(Sagart) ar ~, (a priest) on a sick-call.
Scairt sé ~, he called out.
Glaoigh, scairt, ar, call to, shout at.
~ ar do mhadra, call off your dog.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were calling each other names.
Níor ~eadh Mí de Mhaigh Uisnigh roimhe sin, the plain of Uisneach was not called Meath before then.
~im ‘faraor’ air, I call it a poor thing.
Bhaist tú é! You have called it by its proper name!
Glaodh chun an bharra air, he was called to the bar.
Do bheannacht a chur ar dhuine, to call a blessing on s.o.
Duine, rud, a bheannú, to call a blessing on s.o., sth.
Bheannaigh sé sa teach, sa doras, he called at the house, at the door.
Bheannaigh sé isteach chugainn, he called in to us, to greet us.
~ a chur ar dhuine, ar rud, to call a blessing on s.o., sth.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to shout in anger at s.o.; to call on s.o. to behave himself.
Cuir ~ ar na páistí sin, call those children to order.
Thug sé ~ dom, he called me a liar; he contradicted me.
~ aníos chugainn lá éigin, call up to see us some day.
Bhuaileamar chun an tí chuige, we called to him at his house.
~ ainmniúil, cúltaca, eisithe, glaoite, íoctha, reatha, nominal, reserve, issued, called-up, paid-up, circulating, capital.
Níl ~ leis sin, there is no call for that.
Níl aon chall agat dó, chuige, you have no call on it, no right to it.
Tháinig sé isteach chugam ar a chamchuairt, he called in to me on his travels.
Tháinig sé isteach ar a chamruathar, he called in on his rounds, unexpectedly.
Créad fá gcantar abhaill leis? Why is it called an apple-tree?
~ an chorcáin leis an gciteal, the pot calling the kettle black.
Thug tú an t-ainm ~ air, you called him by his right name, by the name he deserves.
~ a chur ar dhaoine, to call people together, summon people to a meeting.
~eadh amach gairm chugainn, a call was sent out to us.
Duine a thabhairt chun cuntais, to call s.o. to account.
Tarraing do chuntas i dtráth, call for your account in good time.
Ní hé an ~ a thug sé orm, he called me an impolite name, miscalled me.
Do cheann a chur isteach ar, thar, an ~, to look in the door; to call at the house for a moment.
Bheith ag súil leis an ~, to be eagerly expecting s.o. to call.
~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to call down a curse on s.o.
Má bhíonn ~ ar chabhair aige, if he calls for help.
Beidh an t-~ ort faoi sin fós, you will be called to account for that yet.
Ag ~, crying, calling; whinging, lamenting.
Faí agus ~, call and answering call.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to call back to s.o.
Bhí siad ag ~ ina dhiaidh, they were calling after him, jeering him.
Bhuail mé isteach ar ~, I called in to pass the time, for amusement.
Níl aige ach ~ a ligean ort, you are at his beck and call.