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Similar words: muclach · mullah · murlach · mléach · mulch
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mullach, m. (gs. -aigh, pl. -aí). Top. 1. Highest point, summit. ~ cnoic, aille, top of hill, of cliff. ~ crainn, cruaiche, top of tree, of stack. ~ tí, house-top. ~ na spéire, an aeir, the canopy of heaven. Crann mullaigh, topmast. Cárta mullaigh, top card. S.a. cloch1 1(f), cnó 1, dlaoi 2, gráinne1 1(a), gróigeán 3, maide 1(b), sméar. 2. Crown (of head). ~ cinn, top of head. Rug sé greim mullaigh (cinn) air, he caught him by the hair of the head. Bhí siad i mullaí ceann a chéile, they were pulling each other by the hair. Thit sé isteach ann ar mhullach a chinn, i ndiaidh a mhullaigh, he fell into it head foremost. Ó mhullach go sáil, from head to heel. Ó mhullach go lár, from top to bottom. 3. Geog: Elevated ground, height, eminence. 4. Arch: Capital. ~ colúin, head of pillar. 5. Bot: ~ dubh, black knapweed. 6. Rounded top. An ~ a bhaint d’ubh, to top an egg. Chuaigh sé ar mhullach a dhá ghlúin, he went down on his bended knees. 7. Heaped load. ~ a chur ar ualach, to heap a load. S.a. maoil1 3(a). 8. (In phrases) Thit siad i ~ a chéile, they fell on top of one another. Rinne siad ar mhullach a chéile ar an doras, they ran helter-skelter for the door. Tá siad ag éirí sa mhullach orainn, they are getting on top of us, getting beyond our control. Tá an geimhreadh sa mhullach orainn, the winter is upon us. Tá an obair sa mhullach orm, I am pressed with urgent work. Beidh siad isteach sa mhullach orainn, they will crowd in on us; they will come in and find us unprepared. Ná bí anuas sa mhullach air mar sin, don’t be down on him like that, so severe on him. Tá gach uile rud anuas sa mhullach orm, I am overwhelmed with everything.
~ (mullaigh), top covering (on haycock, etc.).
An ~ (mullaigh) a chur ar rud, to cap, crown, sth.
Ar bhior, ar mhullach, a chinn, on top of his head.
~ mhullaigh tí, ridge of roof.
~ mhullaigh, ridge-pole.
~ dhín, mhullaigh, phréacháin, spideoige, cope-stone.
~ mullaigh, topmost nut;
Dá gcuirfinn an ~ beag i mullach an chnoic mhóir, no matter what I’d do (it would not serve).
~ mullaigh, topknot.
An talamh, an cladach thall, mullach an tsléibhe, a dhéanamh, to reach land, the far shore, the summit of the mountain.
An ~ mhullaigh a chur ar rud, to put the finishing touches to sth.
~ bhuin, mhullaigh, eaves, ridge, thatch.
An ~ mhullaigh a chur ar rud, to put the finishing touches to sth.; to cap sth.
Tá sé ag an ~ mhullaigh leis, he has it (the thatching, job of work) almost completed.
Ba cheart ~ a chur sa mhaide mullaigh, sa ghabhal éadain, the great event should be suitably marked.
Is é an ~ mullaigh é, it is the pick of the grain, the best.
3. Mullach gróigeáin a dhéanamh, to turn a somersault.
~ loig, mullaigh, valley, crest, tile.
~ mullaigh (buaice, droma), ridge-pole;
~ mullaigh, topman.
Dul ó mhaoil go mullach, to pile things higher, to go from bad to worse.
Tá a mhullach ag maolú, he is getting bald on top.
An mhír mhullaigh a bheith agat, to be supreme.
~ mhullaigh an chnuasaigh, the pick of the bunch.
Thug tú an obair seo uile sa mhullach orm, you brought all this work on top of me.
Ó mhullach go ~, from top to bottom.
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