abhus, adv. & a. Here. 1. On this side. ~ anseo, over here. Taobh ~ den loch, on this side of the lake. Thall agus ~, here and there. 2. In this life. ~ nó thall, here or hereafter.
Cuid an bhodaigh thall ar an m~ abhus, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Bhí ~ thall agus ~ abhus aige, he was unsteady on his feet, irresolute.
Taobh abhus den abhainn, on the near side of the river.
Súil ag an bh~ thall ar an bh~ abhus, everybody watching everybody else.
Ag fuirseadh thall agus abhus, rummaging here and there; fussing about the place; trying to do this and that.
Don ~, don leith, abhus den abhainn, on the near side of the river.
Ní luaithe thall ná abhus é, he is no sooner here than there.
~ bhead abhus, while I am here.
~ thall is abhus, scattered singly here and there.
~ abhus den droim, on this side of the ridge.
Rug sé ~ agus abhus orm, he caught me suddenly with both hands.
Bhí cos ~ agus cos abhus aige, he was undecided what to do.
Níl sé ~ ná abhus agat, you have got it all wrong.
~ agus abhus, back and front. (Of garment)