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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: brac · breab · breac- · breach · bread
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
breac1, m. (gs. & npl. bric, gpl. ~). 1. Trout. ~ geal, sea trout. ~ ballach, speckled trout. ~ buí, rua, brown trout. Chomh folláin le ~, as lively as a trout, in excellent health. An ~ sa bhainne, the fly in the ointment. 2. Fish. ~ éisc, a (single) fish. Níl aon bhreac (éisc) san fharraige is blasta ná é, there is not a tastier fish in the sea. Níl ~ an tlú leo, they have caught nothing (not even a fish for grilling). Prov:Cuir an ~ san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é, first catch your hare. Ní ~ é go raibh sé ar an bport, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Tá ~ san abhainn chomh maith is a gabhadh fós, there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
breac2, a1. 1. Speckled, dappled. Bó bhreac, speckled cow. Capall ~, dapple-grey horse. Éadach ~, variegated cloth. Cuilt bhreac, patchwork quilt. Lorgaí ~a, toasted shins. Tá na puint bhreaca aige, he has plenty of ready cash. Tá an áit ~, ~ ballach, leo, the whole place is dotted with them. S.a. ball 8, cailleach 13, cat 1, galar, snag2 1. 2. (Of conditions, health, etc.) Indifferent. Aimsir, sláinte, bhreac, middling weather, health. Obair bhreac, not very good work. (Var. of 1. ~ach)
breac3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Speckle, dapple. Éadach a bhreacadh, to variegate cloth. Urlár a bhreacadh, to spatter a floor. ~tha le bailte beaga, dotted with villages. ~tha le réaltaí, studded with stars. 2. Mark with letters, figures; write. Páipéar a bhreacadh le scríbhinn, to cover a paper with writing. Leathanach amháin a bhreacadh, to write one page. Tuarascáil a bhreacadh (síos), to write, jot, down a report. ~ ar pháipéar é, set it down on paper. ~ síos é, write, mark, it down. ~ an leabhar mór, post the ledger. 3. Lighten, change, in colour. Tá an lá ag ~adh, the day is dawning. Bhreac an lá suas, the day cleared up a bit. Tá an coirce ag ~adh, the oats are changing colour, beginning to ripen. Tá mo cheann ag ~adh, my head is turning grey. 4. Carve, engrave. Tuama a bhreacadh, to carve a tombstone. Bró a bhreacadh, to pick a quern. An té a bhfuil an t-arbhar aige ~adh sé bró, whoever has grain let him pick a quern. 5. Mth: Plot. 6. Indite. Bréaga a bhreacadh ar dhuine, to proclaim lies about s.o. Scéal a bhreacadh do dhuine, to set forth a matter for s.o. 7. Carry on. Bhí siad ag ~adh leo, they were carrying on, working away. ~adh an mhí amach mar sin, the month was spent in that way.
breac-4, pref. 1. Middling, partly. 2. Odd, occasional.
Tá bric ar an loch sin, there are trout in that lake.
~ breac, barmbrack.
~ breac, mottle.
~ breac, ballan wrasse.
Breac ~, speckled trout.
~ in éadach, chequering in cloth.
~ ar mhiasa, colour designs on dishes.
~ scéimhe, ornamental chequering.
~ ar arbhar, ripening change in corn.
~ an lae, daybreak.
Níl aon bhreacadh fós ar an lá, the day shows no sign of improvement.
~ breac, (i) barmbrack, (ii) potato roasted in ashes.
~ bhreac, larger spotted dog-fish.
An C~ Breac, text-book used at 19th century proselytisation class.
~ breac, turncoat.
~ bhreac, spotted orchid.
~ bric, giorria, huge trout, hare.
An giorria san fhásach (agus an breac ar an linn), the hare takes to the wild (and the trout to the pool); everything takes after its kind.
~ (breac, eidhinn), turtle-dove.
Chomh ~ le breac, le fia, leis an mbradán seang, in the pink of health.
~ breac (na spéire), smallpox.
An ~ breac a chur ar dhuine, to vaccinate s.o. against smallpox.
3. Breac giúrainn, wreckfish.
~ bhreac, ~ chriosrua, shelduck.
Ar mo ~ breac! On my solemn oath!
~ bhreac, tiger-lily.
Gach breac sa ~, every fish in the sea.
~í breaca, dóite, speckled, burnt, shins;
~ breac, magpie.
~ breac, lesser spotted woodpecker.
~ breac, pied, great spotted, woodpecker.
~í a scríobh, a bhreacadh, to write, jot down, notes.
Fuair mé ~ (de bhreac, de choinín), I got a whopper (of a trout, of a rabbit).
Breac a thabhairt ar an b~, to land a trout.
~ breac, magpie.
Ag ~eadh breac, driving trout (into bag-net).
Ní ~ breac, one swallow does not make a summer.
Breac breá séasúir, fine juicy trout.
Shleamhnaigh an breac as a lámh, the trout slipped out of his hand.
~ breac, magpie.
Ag ~e breac, probing (river) for trout.
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