Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ba · baa · bra · buac · buaf
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Seans gur foirm é bua de: buaigh »
bua1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). 1. Victory, triumph. ~ catha, cluiche, troda, victory in battle, in game, in fight. ~ a fháil, a bhreith, ar dhuine, ar rud, to get the better of s.o., sth. Fuair an codladh ~ orm, mo bhua, I was overcome by sleep. Rug sin ~ ar a bhfaca mé riamh, I have never seen the like of that. ~ agus treise leat, more power to you. Beir ~ agus beannacht, I send you my best wishes. S.a. bruíon2. 2. Gift, talent. ~ cainte, ceoil, gift of speech, music. ~ ó Dhia, gift from God. Tá ~ na scéalaíochta aige, he is a gifted story-teller. Tá sé de bhua aige go n-éistear leis, he is able to command attention. Is iomaí ~ a rugadh leis, he is naturally gifted in many ways. 3. Virtue, merit. De bhua (ruda), by virtue of (sth.). Sin ~ dá bhfuil ag an léann, that is one of the advantages of learning. Is mór an ~ do dhuine an tsláinte, it is a great advantage to have one’s health. 4. Special quality. Cloch bhua, precious stone. 5. Lot, destiny. Fágadh an ~ sin orainn, we can’t help being like that. Tá sé de bhua orm a bheith ar an anás, I am fated to be always in need. (Var: f)
bua2, var. vn. of buaigh.
~ áigh, ~ bua, victory, triumph.
Bua a bhreith, to win a victory.
Is olc bua na bruíne (agus is measa a díomua), nothing is ever settled by fighting over it.
~ bhua, lómhar, luachmhar, uasal, precious stone.
Bua a bhreith ó dhomhan agus ó dheamhan, to overcome the world and the devil.
Bua, buntáiste, a fháil, to gain a victory, an advantage.
Bua, an lá, a ghabháil, to win a victory, the day.
~ bua, token of victory.
Bua ~, gift of speech.
Bua ~a, gift of intelligence.
Bua ar phointí, a win on points.
Bua, ceird, na ~a, the gift, art, of story-telling.
~ bua, precious object, jewel.
Thug siad trígháir bhua, they gave three shouts of triumph.
Bua i ngach ~, victory in every battle.
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