Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: caith ó · caith · caithir · caithis · caithriú
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
caith i, v.t. Throw into. ~eadh i dtír iad, they were cast ashore. Ná ~ i m’aghaidh é, don’t cast it up to me, in my face. ~ ionat é, eat, drink, it up. Cards: Do lámh a chaitheamh i bpaca, i gcártaí, to discard one’s hand. S.a. in airde : airde1, cárta1.
Níl ann ach gur caitheadh an t-~ ann, one would hardly notice that he is alive.
4. ~ i ndiaidh, hanker after.
Bhí sí ag ~eamh i ndiaidh an linbh, an bhaile, she was pining for the child, for home.
Éadach a bhfuil ~ ann, durable cloth.
Tá cuid a chaite ann, it will stand up to hard wear.
Téann ~ i ngach ní, nothing is permanent.
Tá sé i gcontúirt a chaite, he is in danger of being shot.
~ i ndiaidh ruda, hankering after sth.
Tá ~ i ndiaidh an linbh aici, she is pining after the child.
~ anuas (i simléar), down-draught (in chimney).
Caite i gcártaí, faoi thóin ~í, discarded.
Tagann an ~ i ndiaidh an chaite, waste makes want.
Níl ann ach caitheamh ~eanna (le taobh), it is only child’s-play (compared to).
Caith i bpoll an duibheagáin é, cast it into the abyss, into the depths of the sea; consign it to perdition.
Fuarthas caite i bpoll iad, they were found cast into a hole.
Caithfear an dlí a chur i bh~, the law must be enforced.
Caite i gcártaí, discarded.
Dá gcaithfeá leis go hiallacha na ~ (ní bheadh maith duit ann), no matter how hard you try it (you won’t succeed).
Caitheadh i leith a thaoibh é, he was thrown sideways.
Caith i d~ a chéile iad, throw them all together.
Caite i d~, consigned to the scrapheap, scrapped, discarded.
Caite i ~, wasted, discarded.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht