beo1, m. (gs. & pl. ~). 1. Living being. An ~, the living. Ag guí ar son na m~ agus na marbh, praying for the living and the dead. Ní raibh ~ ná ceo le feiceáil, there was not a person or thing to be seen. 2. Life. Le mo bheo, as long as I live, have lived. ~ duine a shábháil, a chur i gcontúirt, to save, endanger, s.o.’s life. Ligeadh a bheo leis, his life was spared. D’imigh sé lena bheo orthu, he escaped with his life from them. Ní bheadh ~ orm gan é, san áit seo, I couldn’t live without it, in this place. Níl ~ orthu ach ag caint, they can’t stop talking. Ní ~ liom, ní ~ dom, mo bheo, my life is not worth living. Más milis leat do bheo, if you value your life. Is cuma liom ~ nó éag, mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die. Ní fheicfidh tú é lena bheo ná lena mharbh; ní fheicfidh tú a bheo ná a mharbh, you will not see him alive or dead. F: Dá mbeadh a bheo chomh díreach lena mharbh, if he were as straight in life as in death. 3. Livelihood. Tá ~ bocht orthu, they are living in poverty. An rud a bhfuil do bheo air, what your livelihood depends on. S.a. gléas2 2. 4. Quick. Chuaigh an dealg, an focal, i m~ ionam, sa bheo agam, the thorn, the statement, pierced me to the quick. Chogain sé a ingne go dtí an ~, he chewed his nails to the quick. Tairne sa bheo, a thorn in the flesh. Chuir sé tairne i m~ sa chapall, sa bheo ag an gcapall, he drove the nail into the horse’s quick.
beo2, a3. 1. Living, alive. Duine ~, dúil bheo, living person, creature. Nuair a bhí sé ~, when he was alive. Má bhím ~; más ~ dom, if I live. Fad is ~ mé, dom, while I live. Tá sé ~ slán, he is alive and well. Níl a fhios agam an ~ nó marbh dó, I don’t know whether he is alive or dead. Níl a fhios agam ~ ná baiste, beirthe ná ~, I haven’t a notion. Ní fhaca mé ~ ná baiste é, I didn’t see a sign of him. Slán ~ leis (cibé áit a bhfuil sé), God keep him (wherever he is). Níl aon fhear ~ (inniu) a dhéanfadh é, there is no man alive (today) who could do it. Ní ~ dó gan a bheith ag caint, he can’t stop talking. Ní ~ duit nó is tú a rinne é, as sure as you are alive you did it. Gach uile lá ~, every day that dawns. Gnás atá ~ go fóill, a custom that still survives. Tá an áit ~ leo, the place is swarming with them. Bheith ~ ar arán, ar obair, to live on bread, by work. Tá siad ~ (go) bocht, they are living in poverty. S.a. béal 1(b), beathach1, feoil. 2. Live, active. Aibhleog bheo, live coal. Bolcán ~, active volcano. Sreang bheo, live wire. S.a. airgead 1, aol1, éasc, fód 4, gaineamh, staighre 1(b). 3. Lively. Súil, teanga, bheo, quick eye, tongue. Siúil go ~, walk smartly. Labhair go ~, speak up. Caith ort go ~, get into your clothes at once. Go ~ tapa, with urgent speed. S.a. beir 5.
beo3 = breo1.
~ beo, quicksilver, mercury.
~ rud beo, anything at all.
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
Níl ~ (beo) ann, there is not a (living) soul there.
~ beo, (i) talk; talkativeness, (ii) the spoken language.
Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
D’íosfaidís beo ~ thú, they would eat you alive.
Breith beo ar dhuine, to catch, reach, s.o. alive.
~ beo ort féin, look alive.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís, may we live to see this time next year.
Bheinn beo ar leath ~ ann, I could live on half-rations there, I love the place.
~ sa bheo, thorn in the flesh.
~ beo, marbh, suanach, active, extinct, dormant, volcano.
Gura ~ (beo) é, long may he live.
Ní beo duine i ndiaidh a cháinte, dishonour is worse than death.
~ beo, caoch, caite, live, blank, spent, cartridge.
Ní raibh beo ná ~ le feiceáil, there was nothing to be seen.
Chomh ~ is atá tú beo, grian ar an aer, méara ort, cluas ar do leiceann, gob ar phréachán, púdar i nDoire, an Cháisc ar an Domhnach! As sure as anything!
Duine a choinneáil beo, slán, faoi smacht, to keep s.o. alive, in good health, under control.
Bheith beo ar chuid na muintire eile, to live at other people’s expense.
Nocht sé an beo ~, it laid bare the raw flesh.
Ní raibh ~, duine ná ~, ~ an bhéil bheo, ann, there wasn’t a soul there.
Más beo slán dó, if he is alive and well.
Dá mba dhual do na mairbh a bheith beo, if it were possible for the dead to live.
Gach ~ bheo, every living thing.
Aon ~ beo, any man alive.
Tá sé beo ar ~, he is barely alive.
Tá sé beo ar ~, he is still alive.
~ is beo mé, as long as I live.
~na bheith beo slán dom, if I am alive and well.
~ beo, reatha, súraic, quicksand.
Beo ar an n~, living on air.
Níor fhan ~ chlainne beo acu, not one of their children survived.
Ní raibh ~ an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
~ beo, means of livelihood.
Tá ~ maith (beo) orthu, they are in good circumstances.
Go mbeirimid beo air, may we live to see it.
Ghoin sé an beo ann, it cut him to the quick.
Má imíonn tú le do bheo, if you escape with your life.
Ba chuma liom mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I didn’t care whether I lived or died.
Gach aon mheill, gach ~ bheo, acu, every single one of them.
Níor fágadh aon mheill beo acu, not one of them was left alive.
Níl a fhios ag (aon) ~ beo, not a living soul knows.
Beo ~ marbh é, whether he be alive or dead.