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Focail chosúla: aon · man · maoin · mason · aom
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Seans gur foirm é maon de: aon »
maon, a1. Lit: Dumb.
Ag áireamh maoine, costais, calculating means, cost.
Airgead, maoin, a aistriú, to transfer money, property.
~ maoine, thinning of resources.
~ maoine, teidil, devolution of property, of title.
~ maoine, nirt, conservation of wealth, of strength.
~ maoine, community of goods.
Maoin a chumhdach, to store up wealth.
~ maoine, probháide, riaracháin, grant of property, of probate, of administration.
Airgead, maoin, a dhiomailt, to squander money, wealth.
~ féir, éisc, maoine, plenty of grass, of fish, of wealth.
~ ábhair, maoine, scarcity of material, of means.
Tá siad santach i maoin, they are greedy of wealth.
Maoin ~, after-acquired property.
~ maoine, éada, excess of wealth, of jealousy.
~ i maoin, weak in property.
~ is maoin, goods and property.
~e agus aiscí, gifts and favours.
~ shaolta, worldly goods.
~ chaorach, eallaigh, property in sheep, in cattle.
~ phearsanta, personal property.
~ réadach, real property.
~ ghoidte, stolen property.
Lucht ~e, wealthy people.
Dáileadh ~e, distribution of wealth.
Níl maith ná ~ ann, there is nothing to be gained from him; he is useless.
~ cíosa, caipitil, maoine, increase of rent, of capital, of wealth.
Tá sé ag ~t a chuid maoine, he is wasting his substance.
~ maoine, wasting of substance.
~ maoine, much property.
Airnéis, maoin, phearsanta, personal chattels, property.
Eastát, maoin, ~, real estate, property.
Ag ~ a maoine, squandering their property.
Talamh, maoin, a ~t, to divide land, property.
~ talún, maoine, division of land, of property.
Maoin a shannadh, to assign property.
~ ar mhaoin, chun maoine, greedy for wealth.
~ maoine, the squandering of wealth.
~ maoine, dispersal of wealth.
~adh le maoin, to part with wealth.
Talamh, maoin, a shealbhú, to possess land, wealth.
Shlad siad ár maoin shaolta, they robbed us of our worldly goods.
Maoin a shóisialú, to socialize wealth.
Ná cuir do ~ i maoin shaolta, don’t set your heart on worldly wealth.
~ta as maoin, as comhrá, run out of resources, of conversation.
Ní chuirim ~ i maoin ná i spré, I lay no store by wealth or dowry.
Maoin a thiomnú do dhuine, to bequeath property to s.o.
Ag tiomsú maoine, accumulating wealth.
~ le maoin shaolta, inordinate desire for worldly wealth.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht