Agróidh Dia orthu é, God will punish them for it.
D’~ sé a fhearg, a dhíoltas, orthu, he wreaked his anger, his vengeance, on them.
M’~ orthu! A plague on them!
Tá sé in ~ a bheith ina rí orthu, he is their king in name.
Coinnigh ~ orthu, watch over them.
Tá ~ saighdiúirí ag teacht orthu, they are beginning to look like soldiers.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
Tá aon chosúlacht ~ uile orthu, they all look the same, alike.
Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again.
D’imigh sé lena ~ orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
Tháinig an t-~ orthu, they were stricken with poverty.
Tá dóigh ~ orthu, they are in needy circumstances.
Tá cuma chaite orthu, they look worn.
Tá cúram páistí, muirín mhór, orthu, they have children to care for, a large family to support.
Tá sé ina mháistir orthu, ina údarás ar an dlí, he is their master, an authority on law.
Tá fiacha troma orthu, they are heavily in debt.
Nach moch an siúl atá orthu? Aren’t they early afoot?
Rinneadh ~ orthu, they were massacred.
Chuaigh na maidí rámha in ~ orthu, their oars got mixed up.
Aon bhail amháin a thabhairt orthu uile, to treat them all alike.
Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them.
Tá dóigh bheag bhocht orthu, they are in a poor way.
Rug sé barr orthu, uathu, he surpassed them.
Rug sí barr áille orthu, she excelled them in beauty.
Ní ~ orthu a bhfuair siad tar éis a saothair, they got very little after all their labour.
D’imigh sé lena bheo orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
Níl ~ orthu ach ag caint, they can’t stop talking.
Tá ~ bocht orthu, they are living in poverty.
Tá ~ orthu, they have a new baby.
Níor lig an náire dom a bheith ag brath orthu, á mbrath, I was ashamed to be dependent on them, asking favours of them.
Bhris sé an t-áth orthu, he carried the ford against them, drove them from the ford.
Tháinig ~ bháis orthu, they were distressed by a death in the family.
Má bhronnann Dia clann orthu, if God should bless them with children.
Táimid ag brú orthu anseo, we are thrusting ourselves on them here.
Ag brú aithne orthu, scraping acquaintance with them.
~ amach an doras orthu, slam the door against them.
~eadh cúirt orthu, court proceedings were brought against them.
Cuid dá chéad de bhuannacht bhunaidh orthu, the cost of billeting two hundred men to be a prescribed charge on them.
Tá ~ mór aige orthu, he is very intimate with them.
Sin an rud a chaill an lá orthu, that is what lost them the day.
Bhí ~ míosa acu gan an bás a imirt orthu, they had a month’s respite from execution.
D’iarr sé ~ bliana orthu gan cath a chur leis, he asked them for a year’s respite from battle.
Chaith mé mo theanga orthu, I wasted my tongue on them.
~fidh (sé) go raibh deifir orthu, they must have been in a hurry.
Is fearr é ná ~ fear a bhfuil aithne agam orthu, he is better than many men I know.
Tá ~ (maith) orthu, they are in (good) demand.
Níl díol ná ~ orthu, there is no market for them.
Fuair tú a g~ de luach orthu, you got a fair price for them.
Tá ~ orthu ag oisrí, they are sated with oysters.
Tá an gníomh sin ina cheathrú liath orthu riamh ó shin, that deed is a blot on their escutcheon ever since.