amach, adv. & a. 1. (Motion) Out. Dul ~, to go out. ~ as an teach, out of the house. ~ (ar) an doras, out by, through, the door. An bealach ~, the way out, the exit. Cuir ~ iad, put them out. Tarraing ~ é, pull it out. Sín ~ do lámh, stretch out your hand. Ó mo chroí ~, from the bottom of my heart. ~ an sliabh, out over the mountain. Chuaigh sé an cnoc ~, he went off over the hill. Míle ~ san fharraige, a mile out to sea. Os mo chomhair ~, out, right, in front of me. Siar ~, away to the west, to the far west. Lig ~ é, (i) let him (go) out, (ii) release (your hold on) him. (As vb. in imp.) ~ leat! ~ libh! Out you go! ~ leis, (i) put him out, (ii) he came, went, out, (iii) out with it, say it. 2. (As a.) Outward. An turas ~, the outward journey. Na litreacha ~, the outgoing mail. An fear ~, the man who is going, has just gone, out. 3. Back, away (from). Fan ~ ón tine, stay away from the fire. Seasaigí ~ uaidh, stand back from him. 4. Forth, abroad. (a)Ag cur ~ na bpéacán, an duilliúir, sending forth shoots, leaves. (b) Ag cur ~ tomhas, giving out riddles. Lig sé ~ a fhearg orm, he vented his anger on me. An cur ~ sin, that expression. (c)Cuireadh ~ air gur ghoid sé é, he was reported to have stolen it. Níl aon chur ~ agam air, I have no knowledge of it. Má théann sé ~ ort go bhfuil airgead agat, if it gets abroad that you have money. (d) Faisean nua atá ag teacht ~, a new fashion that is being introduced. Nuair a tháinig an dlí nua ~, when the new law was introduced. 5. Facing outwards, exposed. Ná cuir taobh tuathail ~ é, don’t turn it inside out. Tá orlach de ~ fós, there is an inch of it still sticking out. 6. Out, aloud. Scairt sé ~, he called out. Abair ~ é, say it out, aloud. 7. (Of time) On. (a) Forward. Uaidh seo ~, henceforward. Ón lá seo ~, from this day forward. Óna lá féin ~, after his own day. Ó dheich mbliana ~, from ten years onwards. Tá sé romhat ~, you will experience it yet. (b) Late. ~ anseo, later on. ~ sa lá, sa bhliain, late in the day, in the year. ~sna fichidí, in the late twenties. 8. ~ ó, apart from, except. ~ uaidh sin, apart from that. ~ uaim féin, except for myself. ~ ó labhairt leis, except to speak to him. Ó na bailte móra ~, apart from the towns. 9. Completely. Is deas ~ é, it is nice indeed. Fear breá ~ é, he is a fine man altogether. Tá tú i do strainséir ~ agam, you are a complete stranger to me. Níl sé ina shaighdiúir ~, he is not quite (trained as) a soldier. Throid siad ~ é, they fought it out. Ná maraigh ~ é, don’t kill him altogether. ~ is ~, out and out. 10. Just out (of). Iasc úr ~ as an uisce, fish fresh out of the water. Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed. 11. ~ is isteach, out and in; about. ~ is isteach sa teach, in and out of the house. Tá siad ~ is isteach chuig a chéile arís, they are on visiting, friendly, terms again. ~ is isteach le bliain, a year approximately. S.a. bain ~, cuir ~, éirigh ~, leag ~, lig ~, tit ~, faigh II 7, isteach 5.
~ amach é, say it aloud, speak out.
~ amach é, admit it openly.
~ amach, call out by name.
~ amach, isteach, outward, inward, returns.
Fógraíodh, tugadh amach, ón ~ é, (i) it was announced from the altar, (ii) he was proclaimed, denounced, from the altar.
Amach as m’~ leat, get out of my sight; get away from me.
14. ~ agus amach, out and away.
Is iad is fearr ~ is amach, they are by far the best.
An bealach amach, the way out.
~ a ligean amach, to exhale breath.
Ag cur a ~a amach ag gáire, breaking his heart laughing.
~ amach, up from a distant part of the country.
Níl ~ isteach, amach, acu, they can’t get in, out.
Chuaigh sé amach ar an doras, he went out by the door.
Chuir sé amach a theanga orm, he put out his tongue at me.
Ar m’~ (anonn, amach), facing me, opposite me.
Bhí an bhó ag cur ~ an ghamhna amach, the cow had a prolapsus (at calving).
Dá gcuirfeadh sé a átháin amach, try as he might.
Duine thar ~ amach, as ~ amach, a stranger to the place.
Fiacail a bhaint amach, to extract a tooth.
Greim a bhaint amach, to take out a stitch.
Smál a bhaint amach, to remove a stain.
Cíos, cáin, luach mór, a bhaint amach, to exact a rent, a tax, a high price.
Fiacha a bhaint amach, to exact payment of debts.
Cá mhéad a bhain sé amach air? How much did he charge for it?
Gáire, caint, a bhaint amach, to raise a laugh, a discussion.
Beatha a bhaint amach, to make a living.
Clú, ceart, a bhaint amach, to gain a reputation, a right.
An chéad áit a bhaint (amach), to gain first place.
Daingean a bhaint amach, to gain, capture, a fortress.
Nuair a bhain mé an teach amach, when I got to the house.
Is fearr duit an baile a bhaint amach, you had better go, make for, home.
Bhain sé aois mhór amach, he lived to a great age.
Nuair a bhaineann sé amach ní féidir é a stopadh, when he gets going (talking) he cannot be stopped.
Bhain mé seachtain amach ann, I passed a week there.
Is ann is faide a bhain sé amach, he stuck it there longest.
Bhain sé as (amach); bhain sé na cosa as; bhain sé as na cosa, na boinn, é, he ran away as fast as he could.
Duine a ligean amach ar ~í, to release s.o. on bail.
11. Thar ~ amach, outright.
Dhíol sé thar ~ amach é, he sold it outright.
Sheas sé i mo bhéal, ar mo bhéal (amach), he stood in front of me.
~ isteach, amach, way in, out.
Slí bheatha a bhaint amach, to earn a livelihood.
Ag breith (amach) ar an domhain, bearing out to sea.
An ~ amach as an ubh, the food from the egg.
2. Do bhinid a chur i rud, a chur amach le dúil i rud, to take a craving, a longing, for sth.
Ag ~adh amach, thart, moving out, about.
Balla, carraig, ag ~adh (amach), wall, rock, bulging (outwards).
Bhí sé ag cur a bholgleanna amach, he was retching violently.