buí1, s. Thanks, gratitude. (In phrases) A bhuí le Dia, thanks be to God (for it). Ba bhuí bocht liom cupán tae a fháil, I was more than glad to get a cup of tea. Is ~ bocht, ~ déirce, leo an méid sin féin a fháil, they are humbly grateful to get even that much. Is ~ le bocht an beagán, we must be thankful for small mercies. Lit: Cé fuar bheirid a bhuí, although they give cold thanks for it.
buí2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~onna). 1. Yellow. Is geal an ~ san oíche, yellow is bright, easily seen, at night. 2. Bot: ~ na n-iníon, na mbáb, spurge. ~ cumhra, mignonette. ~ mór, dyer’s rocket. 3. (a) Yellow blight. (b) Yellow plague. 4. f. (gs. ~). (Name for) yellow cow.
buí3, a3. 1. Yellow. Dath, éadach, ~, yellow colour, cloth. Ór ~, yellow gold. Gine ~, yellow, golden, guinea. Solas ~ gréine, golden sunlight. Lá ~ Bealtaine, golden, merry, May Day. S.a. airgead 1, arán 1, bainne 1, bile 4, feamainn, ga1 3(c), gabha 1, lus, miotóg1 2, míol 1, seabhac 1. 2. (Of skin) Sallow. ~ sa chraiceann, sallow-skinned, of sallow complexion. Na ciníocha ~, the yellow races. S.a. fiabhras. 3. Tan. ~ le grian, ón ngrian, tanned by the sun. Bróga ~, tan shoes. 4. Fear B~, Orangeman. 5. Iasc ~, dried fish. 6. (Disparagingly) An gadaí, diabhal, ~, the yellow, ugly-looking, thief, devil. Más peaca a bheith ~ tá na mílte damanta, ‘if it’s a sin to be sallow thousands are damned’, beauty is only skin deep. 7. (In phrases, used for emphasis) Is fada ~ ó am scoir é, it is very far from being time to knock off. Tá an t-eadra ~ ann, the morning is far spent.
Buí ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun.
~ buí, geal, rua, gold, silver, copper, money.
Ag altú buí, saying grace.
~, míle ~, ~ agus buíochas, do Dhia; ~ buí le Dia, thanks be to God.
~ buí, mine buí, bread containing a mixture of Indian meal.
Tá sé buí as a cheannaithe, he is yellow-featured.
~ buí, gairdín, yellow, garden, balsam.
Craiceann buí bealaithe, yellow oily skin.
Ar bhiorán buí bhuailfinn é, for two pins I’d strike him.
1. ~ (buí, léana), bittern.
~ (mine) buí, Indian-meal porridge.
~ (buí), ragweed, ragwort.
3. ~ (buí), corn marigold.
~ na luatha (buí), (i) sit-by-the-fire, (ii) cinderella.
~ na luatha (buí), cinderella.
~ bhuí, ghorm, yellow, blue, clay.
Tá ~ bhuí ann, there is a yellow streak in him.
Tagann an chré bhuí aníos, bad qualities (in man, beast) are bound to show.
Tá sé ina dhiabhal; is é an ~ buí é; tá an ~ istigh ann, ina bholg, he is a devil, the very devil, a real mischief-maker.
~ bhuí, (viscous) yellow clay.
~ Mhuire, ~ buí, (kinds of) centaury.
Scéal an ghamhna bhuí, long-drawn-out story; tale of a tub, idle fiction.
~ bhuí, greater celandine.
~ buí, ~ óir, golden guinea.
~ bhán, bhuí, white, yellow, pine(wood).
~ bhán, bhuí, liath, white, yellow, grey, wagtail.
2. ~ buí, ~ núis, ~ thúis, beestings.
~ mhine coirce, mhine buí, oatmeal, Indian-meal, porridge.
~ bhuí, yellow, jaundiced, appearance; jaundice.
Tiocfaidh an ~ bhuí air, he will have a fit.
Ghoill sé orm go ~ bhuí na gcaolán, it went to my very heart.
1. ~ bhán, bhuí, dhearg, white, yellow, red, lead.
~ bhuí, bhán, yellow, white, ashes; dead ashes.
~ buí Bealtaine, marsh marigold.
~ buí, marly yellow subsoil.