as1, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Lit: Shoe.
as2, m. (gs. ~a). Lit: Milk.
prep. & adv. I. Prep. (
Pron. forms:
asam, asat, as m, aisti f, asainn, asaibh, astu)
Does not affect initial letter of following noun. For rules governing use with article see an1)
Out of, from. 1. (
(Source) Bain as do phóca é, take it out of your pocket. Ól as gloine é, drink it out of a glass. Léigh mé as leabhar é, I read it out of a book. D’íoc sé as a thuarastal é, he paid it out of his salary. Ná lig as an tréad iad, don’t let them get away from the herd. Tagann sé as teas na gréine, it comes from the heat of the sun. As a measc, from among them. (
(Place of origin) Cárb as é? Where is he from? As an áit seo, from this place. Fear as Corcaigh, a man from Cork. (
(Starting point) Ag teacht as Luimneach, coming from Limerick. As sin go Gaillimh, from there to Galway. As gach aird, from all directions. (Distance) I bhfad as seo, far from here. Míle as Sligeach, a mile from Sligo. (
(Of time) As a naíocht, as a óige, from his infancy, from his youth. 2. (
(Material) Rud a dhéanamh as cré, snáth, brící, píosaí adhmaid, to make sth. from clay, yarn, bricks, pieces of wood. (
(Medium) Nigh as uisce é, wash it in water. Abair as Gaeilge é, say it in Irish. Rinne sé as a neart, as a stuaim, féin é, he did it by his own strength, ingenuity. (
(Source of name, knowledge, etc.) Baisteadh as a athair é, he was named after his father. Aithním as a mhuintir, as a shiúl, é, I recognize him from his people, by his walk. Focal as an Laidin, a word derived from Latin. (
(Feature) Tá sé leathan as a bhéal, it is wide at the mouth. Tá siad géar as a mbarr, they are sharp at the top. Tá sé buí as a cheannaithe, he is yellow-featured. (
(Inference) Is léir as sin go bhfuil fearg air, it is clear from that that he is angry. Ní thuigim é ach tuigim as, I don’t understand it but I get the implication of it. 3. (
(Out of normal position or state) As alt, ordú, úsáid, out of joint, order, use. As bealach, bóthar, cosán, slí, out of the way, in error. Tá mé as cleachtadh na hoibre, I have lost practice at the work. Thit sé as a sheasamh, he fell down, collapsed. Bhí siad as a n-eolas, they had lost their way. (
(Out of range, beyond) As amharc, éisteacht, out of sight, hearing. As cuimse, out of measure. Tá sé as aithne, he is unrecognizable. Chuaigh siad as a smacht, he lost control over them. (
(Deprived of, destitute of) As obair, out of work. As seilbh, dispossessed. Táimid as bainne, we have no milk. Tá sé as a mheabhair, he is out of his mind. Ná lig as airgead é, don’t let him go short of money. (
(Absence from) Tá sé as baile, he is away from home. Cé atá as láthair? Who is absent? (
(Release from) As pian, guais, out of pain, danger. Ligeadh as braighdeanas iad, they were released from captivity. (
(Exclusion from) Tá tú as an imirt, you are out of the game. Fág as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning. (
(Selection from) Bain do rogha astu, take your choice of them. (
(Subtraction from) A haon as a dó, one from two. Bain a leath as, take away one half of it. (
(Change) Scilling as punt, one shilling out of a pound. (
(Ratio) Duine as céad, one person in a hundred. 4. (Reason, cause) Labhair sé as fearg, he spoke in anger. As aineolas a rinne sé é, he did it through ignorance. Moladh iad as a gcineáltas, they were praised for their kindness. Buailfear thú as é a insint, you will be beaten for telling it. Níor chodail mé aréir as mo chluas, I did not sleep last night because of my (sore) ear. Tá bród air as a chlann, he is proud of his children. Dá mbeadh muinín aige as féin, if he had confidence in himself. Bíodh dóchas agat as Dia, have trust in God. 5. (
(Engaged in) Bíonn sé as rud éigin i gconaí, he is always engaged at sth. Bhí na gadhair asam, the dogs were pestering me. (
As a chéile, end to end; one after another. Cuir, ceangail, as a chéile iad, place, tie, them end to end. Thit siad as a chéile, they fell apart. As a chéile tháinig siad uile, one by one they all came. (
Bhí sé ag siúl as féin, he was walking alone. Ní dhéanfadh sé maith as féin, he would be useless by himself. S.a. bain as,
cuir as,
déan as,
éirigh as,
imigh as,
lig as,
tar as,
téigh as; amach 1, 10, croch2 1, éadan 5, riocht1 1, sáigh1 4.II. adv. Off, out. 1. (Motion) Bain as, be off. Thug sé na boinn as, he ran off. As go brách leis, off he went. 2. (Out of existence) Tá an tine as, the fire is out. Cuir as an solas, put out the light. Tá an duine bocht ag dul as i gcónaí, the poor fellow is fading away. 3. (Not included) Tá tú as, you are out of it. 4. Go maith, go holc, as, well-, badly-, off. S.a. lá 3.
as4, f = ais2.
as5 = os.
Íocfaidh mé as a gceannóidh tú, I will pay for whatever you will buy.
Tá ~ maíte acu as, they have reason to boast of him.
Is doiligh ~ a bhaint as a chuid cainte, it is hard to make sense out of what he says.
Gheobhaidh tú é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it.
Níl sé ach ~ gearr as seo, it is only a short distance from here.
~ a bhaint as caint, a dhéanamh de chaint, to make sense out of what is said; to draw a conclusion from what is said.
Bainfidh mise ~ as, I’ll make him comply.
~ a chur i, a ligean as, rud, to inflate, deflate, sth.
Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day.
As ~ mo dhaoine, where I miss my people.
Tóg as a ~ é, take it out of his reach.
Is deacair ~ a bhaint as, it is hard to make him talk.
Ná lig as d’~ é, don’t let it out of your mind.
~ a bhaint as rud, to take a large piece, bite, out of sth.
Rud a bhaint as ~, to disentangle, unravel, sth.
~ ó neamh, as na flaithis, an angel from heaven.
Duine a chur as a ~, to miscall, abuse, s.o.
Tá siad ainmnithe as a gcineáltas, as a bhféile, they are noted for their kindness, for their generosity.
As an ~ aniar, from the west.
As gach ~, from all directions.
As ceithre hairde an domhain, na cruinne, from the four quarters of the earth.
As cúig hairde na hÉireann, from the five corners, from all parts, of Ireland.
As an ~, out of the reckoning; not included.
Níl aon ~ iontu, le baint astu, they are of no use.
~ a bhaint as rud, to toss sth.
~ a bhaint as rud, to utilize, avail oneself of, sth.
As ~, out of position; out of joint.
Duine as an ~, a native of the place, district.
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
Duine a ~t ar dhuine eile, as duine eile, to recognize s.o. by his resemblance to s.o. else.
Tá sé ag dul as, ó, ~ (na ndaoine), he is changing beyond recognition.
Rud a chur as ~, to disguise sth., to spoil the appearance of sth.
An bhfuil ~ ort as do pheacaí? Are you sorry for your sins?
As ~ a mhalaí, by the sweat of his brow.
As ~, out of joint; dislocated.
~ as an teach, out of the house.
Iasc úr ~ as an uisce, fish fresh out of the water.
Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed.
Bhain sé an t-~ as mo shúile, as an tsúil agam, (i) it dazzled me, (ii) it shocked me.
Amach as m’~ leat, get out of my sight; get away from me.
Tá ~ breá againn ar an dúiche as seo, we have a fine view of the district from here.
~ as an teach, out of, away from, the house.
Tá sé rite as ~, he is out of breath.
~ as Sasana, over from England.
Fad a mhairfidh sé, as long as it will last.
Mar a déarfá, as you might say, so to speak.
Mar a bheadh Dia á rá leis, as if God ordained it, as if his life depended on it.
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
Ní miste duit ~ an tsláinte a bheith agat, you needn’t care so long as you are in good health.
~ a dtiocfaidh, dtaga, sé, as soon as he comes.
Tharraing sé lena ~ air, he struck at it as hard as he could.
Chomh h~ le meannán, le druid, as lively as a kid, as carefree as a starling.
Tá sé ina fhear uasal acu, they look on him as a gentleman.
~ reatha, (short) sprint, run (as at a jump).
Thit sé ~ é ag dul thar an droichead, he fell as he was crossing the bridge.
Láidir ~ mar atá sé, strong as he is.
Déanfaidh mé é chomh maith ~ is féidir liom, I’ll do it as well as I can.
D’aithin mé é chomh luath ~ a chonaic mé é, I recognized him as soon as I saw him.
Labhair sé liom, amhail ~ dá mbeadh aithne aige orm, he spoke to me as if he knew me.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Chomh h~ le buachaill óg, as gay as a youth.
Mar is ~ leat, as you wish.
Duine a ainmniú do phost, ina iarrthóir, to nominate s.o. to a post, as a candidate.
Tá sé in ~ crainn, he is as tall as a tree.
Duine a áireamh mar chara, to reckon s.o. as a friend.
An ~ ar casadh orm é, as I happened to meet him.
Níl ~ air nach leis féin an áit, he looks as if he owned the place.
Níl sé ina shaighdiúir ~, he is not quite (trained as) a soldier.
~ a dúirt sé, just as he said.
~ is béas dóibh, as is their wont.
~ is dá mbeadh fíon aige, as if he had wine.
8. Ní túisce ~ a chonaic sé mé (ná rith sé), as soon as ever he saw me (he ran).
Fad m’amhairc uaim, as far away as I can see.
Tá sin ~, that is so, as stated.
Tá sé ~ ina dhochtúir, he has qualified as a doctor.
de, do, i (> sa); d, t eclipsed under same circumstances as
Fad a bheidh an ~ (aníos is síos) ionam, as long as I live.
Ní h~, it is not difficult (to relate); well, as a matter of fact.
Mar a luamar ~, as we have mentioned above, already.
Ar ~ a nginealach, as regards their genealogical descent.
Tá ~ chapall na comharsan, chapall na malairte, chapall na muintire, aige, he is as old as Methuselah.
Níl ~ mar sin aige, he is not as old as that.
Mar a deir an duine ~, as the old saying goes.
Ar ghile na gréine, bright as the sun.
Ar feadh m’eolais, as far as I know.
Ní leanbh ó ~ mé, I am not as simple as all that.
Fad a mhairfidh mé ~, as long as I live.
Mol an t-~ mar a gheobhair, judge things as you find them.
Dá gcuirfeadh sé a átháin amach, try as he might.
A ~ seo de chumas, ability such as this.
Chomh dócha lena ~, as likely as not.
Níor bhac duit go raibh mise leat, it was just as well for you that I was along with you.
Bhí mé ann agus níor bhac dom, I was there and it was just as well for me.
Chomh dubh leis an m~, as black as soot.