~ nach bhfuil baint agat leis, say you have nothing to do with it.
~, abraimis, go bhfuil an ceart agat, assuming that you are right.
An bhfuil aon fhocal agat le rá liom? (i) Have you anything to say to me? (ii) Have you anything to say against me?
Dhá ~ a bheith ar do choigeal agat, to have two strings to one's bow.
Ní miste duit ~ an tsláinte a bheith agat, you needn’t care so long as you are in good health.
Sin agat é, there it is for you.
Coinnigh agat féin é, keep it in your possession.
Is agat is fearr é, it is better in your possession.
Bíodh ciall agat, have sense.
Níl agat ach é a bhrú, all you have to do is to press it.
Sin é a bhí agat a dhéanamh, that is what you should have done.
Bíodh deoch agat! Have a drink!
Tá airgead agat orm, I owe you money.
Tá sé briste agat, you have broken it.
Tá sé beag go leor agat, it is little enough for you.
Má bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it.
Is ~ an scéal atá agat, your story is absurd.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
An bhfuil scian agat? Tá an t-~ agam. Have you a knife? I have a sort of knife.
An bhfuil aon phingin airgid agat? Have you any money?
Aithneoidh tú agat an béile, an buille, sin, you will feel the benefit of that meal, the effect of that blow.
Is maith an ~ atá agat, you are quick to recognize people.
Má tá rud agat ~ é, if you are well off you should thank God for it.
Tá sé thar ~ agat, it is high time for you.
Seo d’~! Seo an t-~ agat! Now is your chance!
Is é an t-~ agat é! Is é ~ duit é! What a time you choose!
Tá sé san ~ agat pósadh, it is time for you to get married.
Má théann sé ~ ort go bhfuil airgead agat, if it gets abroad that you have money.
An t-~ a bheith agat, to be able to see.
Tá sé ina ~ agat, you are making a song of it.
Tá mé in ~, san ~, an bhfuil an ceart agat, I am doubtful whether you are right.
Ná bíodh do chos ~ agat mar sin, don’t have your foot stuck out like that.
Bhí sin ~ agat, that was coming to you.
Seo ~ agat é! So that’s how it is!
Beidh ~ ar an áireamh agat, you will be short in your reckoning.
Má tá ~ deoir bhainne agat, if you have a drop of milk.
An bhfuil ~ ghreim aráin agat? Have you a bite of, any, bread?
Tá orlach, bliain, agat orm, you are an inch taller, a year older, than I am.
An cárta atá ar ~ boise agat, the first card in your hand.
Bíodh dóchas agat as Dia, have trust in God.
Sin é ar ~ agat, that is exactly what he is like.
Tá sé ansin agat go cruinn ~, you have it all there exactly.
An bhfuil aon bharr nuachta agat? Have you any special news?
An bhfuil ~ ar bith agat den aimsir? Have you any idea of what the weather will be like?
Is ~ a bhí le déanamh agat, you had little to do.
Ní ~ duit a bhfuil déanta agat, you have done quite enough.
An bhfuil sé críochnaithe agat? ~. Have you finished it? Almost.
Rud a bheith i do bhéal agat, to have sth. in one’s mouth, between one’s lips.
Ná bíodh an ~ ag milleadh an anama agat, don’t prevaricate; don’t perjure yourself.
Is díchéillí an ~ agat é, you are doing a senseless thing.