fada, a3. (comp. faide). Long. 1. (a) (Of extent, distance, duration) Líne fhada, long line. Gruaig fhada, long hair. Achar ~, long distance. Tamall ~, long while. Saol ~, long life. Rás ~, long-distance race. Saoire fhada, long vacation. Lá ~ samhraidh, a long summer’s day. Chomh ~ le mo lámh, le mo sciathán, as long as my arm. ~ (nó) gairid é, be it long or short. Is ~ ó chéile iad, they are far apart; there is a wide difference between them. Is ~ óna chroí é, it is far from his heart, he is quite insincere about it. An áit is faide isteach, the innermost place. An té is faide uaim, the person farthest from me. An lá is faide anonn, in the distant future. S.a. fairsing 1(a), leitheadach2 2. (b) Lengthy, lasting, protracted, tedious. Míle ~, a long mile. Gáir fhada, prolonged cheer. Osna fhada, long-drawn-out sigh. Tinneas ~, lingering illness. Tá foighne fhada agam libh, I have been long patient with you. Is ~ mo shaol agaibh, you make life wearisome for me. D’fhág sé slán ~ againn, he bid us a long farewell. Lá mór ~, a great long day. Tá an lá ~ agat, you have the whole day before you. Is ~ an lá ó bhí mé ann, it is a long time since I was there. Chomh ~ le lá samhraidh, le lá fliuch, as long as a summer’s day, as a wet day. Prov: Más ~ an lá tig an oíche, everything must come to an end. Beir ~ air, take it easy. S.a. lámh 19 (d). (c) (Of shape) Bád ~, longboat. Bogha ~, long-bow. Bríste ~, long trousers. Muinchillí ~, long sleeves. Cluasa ~, long ears. S.a. ceann1 1(b), méar1 1(a), pónaire 1(a). (d) Ling: Guta ~, long vowel. S.a. síneadh 3. 2. (As adv.) Is ~ go, it will be a long time until. Is ~ ó, it is a long time since. Is ~ go bhfeicfeá a leithéid, you would seldom see the like of it. B’fhada liom gur tháinig sé, I thought he was long in coming. Is ~ mé á rá sin leat, I have been saying that to you this long time. Is ~ a bhí tú leis, it took you a long time. Is ~ nach bhfaca, ó chonaic, mé é, it is a long time since I saw him. Is ~ a bheinn ag smaoineamh air, I wouldn’t dream of (doing) it. Is ~ uaidh a bheith chomh láidir leat, he is far from being as strong as you. B’fhada liom uaim iad, I missed them a lot. ~ gearr a bhí sé amuigh, whether he was gone a long time or not. Is fearr é go mór (is go) ~ ná an ceann eile, it is ever so much better than the other one. B’fhearr duit go mór ~ fanacht sa bhaile, it would be far better for you to stay at home. Dul rófhada le rud, to go too far with sth. Ní thig liom dul níos faide leis, I can’t continue any farther with it. Chomh ~ leis sin de, as far as that is concerned. Chomh ~ is nach ndéanfaidh sé aon dochar dó, provided he does not harm it. An ~ eile go? Will it be long more until? 3. (As s.) Le ~, for a long time past. Tá sé agam le ~, I have it this long time. Ní fhaca mé é le ~ an lá, den lá, I haven’t seen him for many a day. Tá siad marbh le ~ riamh, they have been dead for a long long time. ~ ó shin, long ago. ~ riamh ó shin, ever so long ago. Go ceann ~, for a long time to come. Ar feadh ~ go leor, for quite a long time.
Fad a mhairfidh sé, as long as it will last.
Bhí sé ~ fada anseo, he was here a long time.
Lig fad an adhastair leis, give him plenty of rope.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Fad na hoíche is ~ linn, we think the night very long.
Fad saoil duit in ~ na sláinte, long life and good health to you.
Tá an ~ fada againn, we have plenty of time.
Rinne sibh ~ fada aréir, you sat up late last night.
Fad m’amhairc uaim, as far away as I can see.
Fad amhairc de mhachaire, a vast plain.
Is fada atá sé ~, he is gone a long time.
Is fada an muineál atá air, he has got such a long neck.
Fad a bheidh an ~ (aníos is síos) ionam, as long as I live.
Is fada ~ a thug do chosa thú, you are intruding where you are not wanted.
An lá is faide ~ (ná inniu), in time to come.
Ar fad, ar leithead, ar airde, ar doimhneacht, ar tiús, in length, breadth, height, depth, thickness.
Beidh turas fada oraibh, you will have a long journey.
Fad a mhairfidh mé ~, as long as I live.
~ fada, ship’s boat; pinnace.
Is ann is faide a bhain sé amach, he stuck it there longest.
Fad, síneadh, a bhaint as rud, to lengthen, stretch, sth.
Is fada an ~ é, it is a long way, distance.
Tá ~ fada romhat, you have a long way to go.
Fad is ~ mé, dom, while I live.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
An ~ fada, the long surcease; death.
Is fada ón luaith an ~, there’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.
Dul ar an m~ fada, to die, to take the last long journey.
Is faide go ~ ná go Bealtaine, never is a long word.
Bhí siad do mo bhrath fad a bhí mé ag caint, they observed me closely while I was speaking.
Siúl ~ fada, good long walk.
~ fada, gairid, long, short, trousers.
Tháinig an ~ ar fad air le gairid, he has let everything slide of late.
Tá sé ~te síos le fada, he has been bedridden a long time.
D’imigh sé fada ~ ó shin, he went away a long time ago.
Is fada ~ a mhair a n-iomrá, they were talked about for a very long time.
Is fada ~ ó am scoir é, it is very far from being time to knock off.
Fad is a bhí ~ ortha, whilst they were established, on their feet.
~ air sin ar fad, as distinct from that altogether.
Tusa is ~ leis an scéal, leis an rud ar fad, you invented the story, started the whole thing.
Bhí sé ag breathnú orainn i g~ na faide, he kept looking at us all the time.
Tá sé ag ~ le fada, he has been ailing for a long time.
~ fada, long fast in the morning, late breakfast.
Tá ~ fada air, he is far-seeing.
Ar an g~ is faide, is sia, at the longest, latest.
Tá sé ag ceiliúradh le fada, he has been failing for a long time.
Is fada ón gcneá an ~, ‘the poultice is far from the wound’, the remedy does not touch the root of the disease.
Tá ~ fada ar an tiomáint aige, he has long experience of driving.