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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é fad de: fada »
fad, m. (gs. & npl. faid, gpl. ~). Length; distance, duration, extent. 1. ~ ruda, the length of sth. A fhad, a dhá fhad, sin de rópa, a rope as long, twice as long, as that. Tá a thrí fhad ann, it is three times as long. ~ a chur le rud, to lengthen, extend, sth. Chuir sé a fhad eile leis, he made it as long again. ~ a bhaint as rud, to draw out, prolong, sth. Bhain sé ~ as féin, he stretched himself. Baineann sé ~ as na focail, he pauses on, he drawls out, the words. Ná bain ~ as an scéal, don’t drag out the story. Baineann siad ~ as an bpingin, they make a penny go a long way. ~ saoil, length of life, longevity. ~ saoil duit! Long life to you! Chuir sé ~ ar mo shaol, it prolonged my life. Tá ~ saoil do dhuine ann, it gives one a new lease of life. Tá ~ ar a shaol (nuair nár maraíodh é), he bears a charmed life (or he would have been killed). ~ slí, distance. Dul ~ na sráide le duine, to accompany s.o. the whole length of the street. Chuaigh sé ~ an bhealaigh liom, he went all the way with me. Ní rachainn ~ mo choise leis, I wouldn’t go one step along with him. Thug sé ~ aimsire san arm, he gave long service, stayed a long time, in the army. ~ amhairc, radhairc, length of vision. ~ d’amhairc uait, as far as your eye can see. Chuir sé ~ a urchair uaidh é, he flung it as far away from him as he could. Bhí sé faoi fhad scairte dúinn, he was within shouting distance of us. Tá ~ na teanga air, he talks a lot. Tá ~ na teanga ort féin lena rá leis, you are well able to say it to him yourself. Rud a thomhas ar a fhad, to measure sth. along its length. Fág ina luí ar a fhad é, lay it down lengthwise. Bhí sé sínte ar a fhad ar an leaba, he was stretched full length on the bed. Fágadh sínte ar a fhad is ar a leithead é, he was sent sprawling. Bhuail sé ar fhad mo leicinn mé, he struck me across the cheek. Is é a fhad agus a leithead é; is é a fhad ar a ghiorracht é, that is the long and the short of it. S.a. adhastar, fáilte 2. 2. Ar ~, in length; entirely; all along, always. Slat ar ~, a yard long. An bealach ar ~, the whole way. An lá ar ~, all day. Ór ar ~ é, it is all gold. Is breá ar ~ é, it is really fine. Tá sé iontach ar ~, it is wonderful indeed. Bhí mé an-uaigneach ar ~, I was very lonely altogether. Rud eile ar ~, quite a different matter. Tá sé beo ar ~, he is still alive. Bíonn sé ina chodladh ar ~, he is always asleep. Bhí siad anseo ar ~, they were here all along. Tá sé i m’intinn ar ~, I can’t get it out of my mind. Ar ~ ar ~, ever and always. S.a. fud 2. 3. ~ (is), a fhad (is), as long as. ~ is a bhí mé ann, while I was there. ~ is (is) mian leat, as long as you wish. ~ is nach mbriseann tú é, so long as you don’t break it. ~ is beo mé, as long as I live. 4. ~ le, a fhad le, as far as. Chuaigh mé a fhad leis an droichead, I went as far as the bridge. Níl sé a fhad amach leis an oileán, it is not as far out as the island. Tháinig sé a fhad liom, he approached me. 5. I bh~, distant, far. I bh~ ó bhaile, far from home. I bh~ ó chéile, far apart; sparse. I bh~ roimhe sin, long before then. I bh~ na haimsire, after a long time, eventually. I bh~ níos fearr, far better. Níl sé i bh~ ón scór, he is not far short of twenty. Tá sé i bh~ sa lá, it is very late in the day. Ní thógfaidh sé i bh~ orainn, it won’t take us long. Ní raibh tú i bh~ leis, you didn’t take much time with it. Ní bheidh sé i bh~ ann, he won’t be long there; he won’t live long. Níor mhair sé i bh~ dom, it didn’t last me long. Ar feadh i bh~, for a long time. Rud a chur i bh~, to make sth. go far; to broadcast sth. Chuaigh an gháir i bh~, the report spread far and wide. Rud a ligean i bh~, to let sth. get abroad; to let sth. remain long undone. Prov: An rud a théann i bh~ téann sé i bhfuaire, what is long delayed loses its appeal. Prov: Is trom cearc i bh~; caora mhór an t-uan i bh~, light burdens long borne grow heavy. Dul i bh~ ar rud a dhéanamh, to go far towards doing sth. Ní rachaidh punt i bh~ ort, a pound won’t take you far. I bh~ siar, far back; in the remote past. An saol i bh~ siar, life in remote times. I bh~ ar gcúl, far back, far behind. Tá tú i bh~ ar gcúl, you are far behind the times. I bh~ uait, far away. Tá amharc i bh~ uaidh aige, he is long-sighted. Ní i bh~ uaidh a mhothaigh sé an chontúirt, the danger seemed very real to him. I bh~ amach, far out. I bh~ amach san aigéan, far out in the ocean. Tá gaol i bh~ amach aige linn, he is distantly related to us. Bhí tú i bh~ amuigh, you were gone a long time. Níl an t-am i bh~ amuigh, the time is not far distant. I bh~ anonn, far over; very late; in the distant future. I bh~ anonn sa lá, sa saol, very late in the day, in life. San aimsir i bh~ anonn, in far distant times. S.a. éire. 6. Cá fhad? How long? ~ gach aon fhaid, as long as can be, ever so long. Dá fhad (go dtí é), however long (it may be).
Fad a mhairfidh sé, as long as it will last.
Ní i bhfad uaidh a chonaic sé an t-~, he had real cause for anxiety.
I bhfad ón ~, wide of the mark, irrelevant.
Lig fad an adhastair leis, give him plenty of rope.
~ gach drochscéil i bhfad uainn, God preserve us from all harm.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Fad na hoíche is ~ linn, we think the night very long.
Fad saoil duit in ~ na sláinte, long life and good health to you.
Fad m’amhairc uaim, as far away as I can see.
Fad amhairc de mhachaire, a vast plain.
Fad a bheidh an ~ (aníos is síos) ionam, as long as I live.
Ar fad, ar leithead, ar airde, ar doimhneacht, ar tiús, in length, breadth, height, depth, thickness.
Fad a mhairfidh mé ~, as long as I live.
I bhfad as seo, far from here.
I bhfad ó bhaile, far from home; far away.
I bhfad ó bhaile uainn an t-olc is an anachain; Dia dár réiteach i bhfad ó bhaile, God keep us from all harm.
Fad, síneadh, a bhaint as rud, to lengthen, stretch, sth.
Ní raibh mé i bhfad as ~, I was not far out (in my reckoning).
Fad is ~ mé, dom, while I live.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Bhí siad do mo bhrath fad a bhí mé ag caint, they observed me closely while I was speaking.
Tháinig an ~ ar fad air le gairid, he has let everything slide of late.
Fad is a bhí ~ ortha, whilst they were established, on their feet.
~ air sin ar fad, as distinct from that altogether.
Tusa is ~ leis an scéal, leis an rud ar fad, you invented the story, started the whole thing.
Tá siad (i bhfad) chun cinn orainn, they are (far) ahead of us.
Ní raibh mé i bhfad ón g~, I was not far wrong.
I bhfad ó mo dhaoine ~, far from my own people.
Ní raibh sé i bhfad ag ~, he was not long ailing (before he died).
~ bhím i bhfad leis, I shall not take long with it.
Ní bheifí i bhfad á chló leis, it would not take long to get him used to it.
Is glas na cnoic i bhfad uainn, ‘distant hills look green,’ distant prospects can be deceptively alluring.
Talamh, fad, a thomhas ina choiscéimeanna, to step (off) land, a distance.
An bhfuil an ~ ar fad go maith? Are all the family well?
I bhfad óna g~, far from their neighbourhood.
Ní rachainn fad mo choise leis, I would not walk a step with him.
Ná bígí ~ as mo bhéal ar fad, don’t be for ever hanging on my lips.
Tá an chúiléith i bhfad siar aige, his head is screwed on the right way.
Rud a chur ar a fhad, ar a chorr, to put sth. lengthways, on its edge.
Chuir sé fad siar as a theach, he extended his house towards the back.
Fad, leithead, a chur le rud, to lengthen, widen, sth.
Fad a bheifeá ag rá ‘~ as sin!’ Before you could say ‘Jack Robinson’.
I bhfad ar g~, far back, primitive.
Níor mhair an ~ i bhfad, they did not keep company for very long.
Tabhair fad a chúrsa dó, give him plenty of rope.
An fad a dhéanamh amach, to determine the length.
I bhfad uainn nó i n~ dúinn, far away from us or near at hand.
Fad is a bheas grian ag dul ~, whilst the sun follows its course, to the end of time.
Fad a bheas D~ ina Dhia, while there is a God above.
Tá siad i bhfad ina dhiaidh, they are far behind him.
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