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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: gaota · garth · Goth · gathú · giota
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gaoth1, f. (gs. -oithe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Wind. (a) ~ ag éirí, ag séideadh, ag socrú, ag síothlú, a wind rising, blowing, settling, dying down. ~ aniar, aniar aneas, west, south-west, wind. ~ cháite, winnowing wind. ~ chórach, favourable wind. ~ chinn, head wind. ~ cheathrúnach, quarter wind. ~ bhíoma, beam wind. ~ ghuairneáin, whirlwind. ~ mhór, high wind. ~ mhara, ~ ón bhfarraige, sea-wind. ~ thíre, thalún, land-wind. Bhí an ghaoth ón talamh orainn, we had an off-shore wind against us. ~ Mhárta, March wind. In aghaidh, i mbéal, na gaoithe, against, in the teeth of, the wind. An ghaoth a bheith leat, i do chúl, to have a following wind. Cur, dul, chun na gaoithe, to sail into the wind. Dul lom ar an n~, to sail close to the wind. Baint den ghaoth, to sail nearer the wind. An ghaoth a bhaint de bhád, to blanket a boat. An ghaoth a bhaint de rámh, to feather an oar. Fig: An ghaoth a bhaint de dhuine, to take the wind out of s.o.’s sails. Luí, titim, faoin n~, to make leeway, drift to leeward. Nau: Dul thart ceann le ~, to go about in stays. Imeacht le ~, to become wind-blown; (of person) to drift, to wander aimlessly; (of words) to go unheeded; (of money) to be squandered. Imeacht ar nós na gaoithe, mar a bheadh an ghaoth (Mhárta) ann, to go like the wind. Bheith ar bharr na gaoithe, to be flighty, frivolous, fond of enjoyment. Dul le ~ (na gcnoc), to go (stark) mad. Teacht ar dhroim na gaoithe, to blow in; to come unexpectedly, unwanted. Ní ón n~ a thug sé é, (of trait) he didn’t acquire it by chance, it is ingrained in him. Tá an ghaoth anoir is an fhearthainn aniar air, everything has gone awry with him. Prov: Is olc an ghaoth nach séideann do dhuine éigin, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody good. (gs. as attrib.a.)Lá gaoithe, windy day. S.a. blas1 1, coileach11(c), gabhlán3 2, lus, madra1 4 (a), pocaire1 2 (b), púicín 5, rácáil1 3, seabhac 1, taobh1 5. (b) ~ ghréine, solar wind. (c) Empty talk, bombast. Níl ina chuid cainte ach ~ (mhór), he is only ranting. Lucht gaoithe móire, windy speakers, gas-bags. (d) Flatulence. ~ ar ghoile, i ngoile, wind in stomach, flatulence. ~ a bhriseadh, to break wind, to belch. Pian ghaoithe, wind-colic. (e) Hint, suggestion. ~ an fhocail a fháil, to get wind of the word. Ní raibh uaidh ach ~ an fhocail, he only needed the slightest hint. 2. (a) Air. ~ a chur i rud, to put air into, to inflate, sth. An ghaoth a bhaint, a ligean, as rud, to deflate sth. An ghaoth a ligean trí rud, to let the air penetrate, to ventilate, sth. Caithfear an ghaoth a ligean tríd an scéal, the matter must be aired. Scaoileadh ~ is grian tríd, he was riddled with shot. Beo ar an n~, living on air. S.a. lamhnán. (b)Lit: Breath. Fuair a cholainn ~, his body received the breath of life.
gaoth2, m. (gs. -oith, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Inlet of sea, estuary. (Var: gs. ~a)
gaoth3, a1. Lit: Wise, sagacious, shrewd, intelligent.
An ghaoth ~, the north wind.
Tá ~ beag gaoithe ann, there is a little breath of wind.
Ag breith ~ ar an ngaoth, going faster than the wind.
Tá ~ na farraige, na gaoithe, isteach ann, it is exposed to the sea, the wind.
~ mhór, gaoithe móire, stormy weather.
~ na gaoithe, the direction of the wind.
Tá an ghaoth ag aistriú, the wind is changing.
~ fuar gaoithe, cold breath of wind.
Gaoth fhuar ~, cold biting wind.
An ghaoth ghéar ~, the sharp-biting wind.
An ghaoth Mhárta, the March wind.
~ maith gaoithe, good breath of wind.
An ghaoth ~, the south wind.
~ gaoithe, storm of wind.
An ghaoth ~, the west wind.
An ghaoth ~, the east wind.
D’~ an ghaoth, the wind rose.
Tá an ghaoth ag athrú ó dheas, the wind is veering south.
Tá an ghaoth ag ~t uaithi, the wind is causing it to drift.
Ar bharr na gaoithe, flighty.
4. ~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
~ ghaoithe, wind gap.
~ gaoithe, light breeze.
Tá an ghaoth ag beochan, tá sé ag beochan chun gaoithe, the wind is freshening, rising.
An ghaoth ar a ~, the wind on her beam.
4. ~ gaoithe, dyspeptic pain.
Gaoth bhiorach, biting wind.
Tá ~ gaoithe ar na prátaí, the potatoes taste of exposure.
~ ghaoithe, blast of wind.
~ gaoithe, kestrel.
Níorbh é ~ na gaoithe a bhí uaidh, it was not the smell of the wind that was from him (but that of alcohol)
3. ~ gaoithe, slight wind.
Bhí ~ den ghaoth linn, we had the wind in our side.
~ i mbéal na gaoithe, blown drops of rain.
Staon an ghaoth ~, the wind abated somewhat.
2. ~ gaoithe, breeze.
Bhris an charraig an ghaoth dúinn, the rock shielded us from the wind.
Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door.
~ na gaoithe, na dtonn, the roar of the wind, of the waves.
~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
Rinne an ghaoth ~ thoir, the wind settled in the east.
~ na gaoithe, quarter from which wind is blowing.
Tá ~ na gaoithe glan, the sky is clear to windward.
~ aimsire, ghaoithe, weather-, wind-, chart.
Gaoth cháite, winnowing wind, light breeze.
Tá ~ siar ag an ngaoth, the wind is veering to the west.
Gaoth challánach, blustery wind.
Ag imeacht ~ díreach roimh an ngaoth, sailing straight before the wind, running free.
Tá an ghaoth sa chathaoir chéanna i gcónaí, the wind is still in the same point.
Cuir a ~ sa ghaoth, head her into the wind.
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