bord, m. (gs. & npl. boird, gpl. ~; pl. ~a used in certain prep. phrases). 1. Board, table. (a) ~ a leagan, a ghlanadh, to lay, clear, a table. Suí chun boird, to sit down to table. Bheith ar aon bhord le duine, to sit at the same table with s.o. Duine a chur chun boird, to seat s.o. at table. Bia a chur ar ~, to serve up food. Cuir ar ~ é, (of card, etc.) show it. ~ imeartha, gaming-table. ~ oibre, work-table. ~ scríbhneoireachta, writing-table. (b) ~ agus leaba, bed and board. S.a. fearann1 1. 2. Board, council. ~ oideachais, tionscail, trádála, educational, industrial, trading, board. ~ scrúdaitheoirí, stiúrthóirí, board of examiners, of directors. 3. (a) Top: Border. ~ na farraige, seaboard. Ar bhord na cathrach, on the outskirts of the city. Thart ar bhorda na tíre, around the borders, coasts, of the country. (b) ~ iomaire, side of cultivation ridge. 4. Nau: Board, side. (a) Teacht le ~ (loinge), to come alongside (a ship). Thar ~, overboard. (Of fishing-boat) ~ na heangaí, weather-side. ~ na sceathraí, lee side. (Of boat, ship) ~ os a cionn, ~ fúithi, weather-side, lee side. ~ ar bhord le, side by side, level, with. Bheith ~ ar bhord le do chuid oibre, leis an aimsir, to be up to date with one’s work, to keep up with the times. (b) Ar ~ loinge, on board ship. Dul ar ~, to go aboard. Lasta a chur, a thógáil, ar ~, to load, take on, a cargo. Braon a thógáil ar ~, to ship water. F: Tá braon maith ar ~ aige, he has a good drop taken. Bhí sé ag teacht ar ~ go trom uirthi, she was shipping heavy seas. S.a. mairnéalach. (c) ~ a chaitheamh, (of boat, ship) to tack. Thógamar an charraig den chéad bhord, we cleared the rock on the first tack. Bhí ~ den ghaoth linn, we had the wind in our side. (d) Ar bhord(a) imeacht, about to depart. 5. Gunwale. 6. Deck. 7. Load. ~ feamainne, bank, load, of seaweed.
Bord altranais, nursing board.
Leag ~ ar an mbord é, lay it down, rest it, on the table.
Ar meitheal, ar bhord fiosrúcháin, on a work-team, on an enquiry board.
Bord ~a, board of guardians.
~ hata, boird, leaf of hat, of table.
Tá ~ (maith) ar bord, sa chuircín, sa ghrágán, sa tsúil, sa stuaic, aige, he has a (good) drop taken.
Soitheach, bord, a chur ~, to place a vessel, a table, upside down.
~ den bhord é, throw it down from the table.
~ boird, leapa, head of table, of bed.
Bord na gC~ Cúng, the Congested Districts Board.
Suí ~ boird, to sit down to table.
~ boird, cathaoireach, leabhair, table-, chair-, book-, cover.
Bord, cathaoir, a chlúdach, to cover a table, a chair.
Chnag sé an bord, he thumped the table.
~ boird, cathaoireach, leg of table, of chair.
Suí ag ~a an bhoird, to sit at the foot of the table.
~ chun boird iad, set them down to table.
~ siar ó imeall an bhoird é, set it back from the edge of the table.
Bord a dhaingniú, to steady a table.
Tóg den bhord é, take it off the table.
Dhéanfadh sé bord duit, it would make a table for you.
Tú féin a dheasú i gcathaoir, ar chapall, chun boird, to settle oneself in a chair, on horseback, at table.
Dhíolfadh sé ar bord loinge thú, he would sell you down the river.
Dhruid siad isteach leis an mbord, they moved, sat, in close to the table.
~ boird, hata, leaf of table, of hat.
~ boird, cláir, tábla, table-cloth.
~ boird, head, end, of table.
na n-aíonna ag an mbord, the arrangement of the guests at table.
Éirí ó do ghlúine, ó bhord, as cathaoir, to rise from one’s knees, from table, from a chair.
Tá bord ~ aige, he keeps a bounteous table.
Bhuail sé a cheann ar fhaobhar an bhoird, he struck his head against the edge of the table.
Istigh ~n mbord, underneath the table.
~ tí, boird, altóra, house, table, altar, furnishings.
~ na cathaoireacha, an bord, set the chairs, the table.
~ boird, lay-out of table.
~ aille, boird, edge of cliff, of table.
Freastal ag bord, to serve at table.
Ghléas sí an bord, she set the table.