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seas could be a grammatical form of: sea »
seas1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. (Of boat) Thwart. 2 = seastán1.
seas2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~amh). Stand. 1. Be in, take, upright position. ~amh díreach, go socair, to stand straight, still. ~amh ar an urlár, le balla, to stand on the floor, against a wall. Tabhair orthu ~amh ina rang, make them stand in a row. ~amh suas, ar do chosa, to stand up, on one’s feet. ~ ar do bhoinn féin, stand on your own feet. Ná ~ ar mo ladhar, don’t stand on my toe. ~ siar, i leataobh, amach uaim, stand back, aside, away from me. Sheas an ghruaig ar a cheann, his hair stood on end. Mil: ~aigí ar áis! Stand at ease! 2. Stop, stay, assume stationary position. ~ tamall agus déan do chomhrá, stand a while and have a chat. Sheas an tsochraid ag an droichead, the funeral procession stopped at the bridge. Ná ~aigí sa doras, don’t stand in the doorway. Sheas mo chroí, my heart stood still. Sheas a dhá shúil ina cheann, he goggled with amazement. Sheas an focal i mo scornach, the word stuck in my throat. ~! Stop! 3. Last, keep, hold good, remain valid. Má sheasann an aimsir, if the weather holds up. Fad a sheas an t-airgead, while the money lasted. Ní sheasfaidh an fheoil sa teas seo, the meat won’t keep in this heat. ~faidh na coinníollacha go raibh an obair déanta, the conditions will stand until the work is finished. Tá sí ag ~amh na hóige, she is keeping her youthful appearance. Is maith atá tú á sheasamh, you are wearing your years well. Is gearr a sheas an duine bocht, the poor fellow didn’t put up much of a struggle. ~faidh na tithe sin glúin eile, those houses will stand for another generation. 4. Remain firm; bear, endure; resist, withstand; put up with. An fód a sheasamh, to stand one’s ground. Ionsaí a sheasamh, to withstand an attack. Mec: An strus a sheasamh, to stand the strain. An costas a sheasamh, to bear the cost. Is doiligh an obair a sheasamh, the work is hard to endure. B’éigean dúinn an fuacht a sheasamh, we had to bear the cold. Is maith a sheas na barra an stoirm, the crops withstood the storm well. Sháraigh orthu an triail a sheasamh, they failed to stand the test. Ní thig liom an diúlach sin a sheasamh, I can’t stand that fellow. ~amh in aghaidh ruda, to take a stand against sth. ~aimis go daingean ina n-éadan, let us stand firmly against them. 5. Stand up for, keep hold of, defend. Do cheart a sheasamh, to stand up for one’s rights. Is righin a sheas sé an áit, he held on tenaciously to the place. Sheas siad clú don tír, they kept up the honour of the country. Sheas sí a cuid féin orthu, she held her own against them. S.a. onóir1 6. 6. Pay cost of. Deoch a sheasamh do dhuine, to stand s.o. a drink.
Seasaigí ~ uaidh, stand back from him.
Seas ~ uaim, stand over, across, from me.
Seas, suigh, luigh, ar, stand, sit, lie, on.
Ní raibh ionam seasamh, I was unable to stand.
Níl ina seasamh ach ~ an tí, only the walls of the house remain standing.
~ lag agus nach raibh ionam seasamh, so weak that I was unable to stand.
~ seasta, upright; main-stay.
~ cosanta, seasta, taca, pillar, champion.
Seasamh ar ~, to stand at the salute.
Seasamh ar g~, to stand back.
Seasamh go ~, to stand fast.
Ní raibh de chiall aige ach seasamh ansin, he had no more sense than to stand there.
Seasamh go ~ (le duine, le rud), to stand fast (by s.o., sth.).
Seasamh ~, straight stance.
An ~ a seasann sé, the way he stands.
Is ~ a bhí sé in ann seasamh, he was scarcely able to stand.
Seasamh sa ~, to stand in the doorway.
Ní raibh seasamh an fhóid iontu, they were unable to stand up for themselves.
Seasamh go ~ díreach, to stand up straight.
Seasamh ar ghualainn duine, to stand at s.o.’s shoulder, side by side with s.o.
Bhí siad ina seasamh in ~ an uisce, they were standing at the water’s edge.
Tá sé chomh maith agat suí le seasamh, you may as well sit as stand.
Seasaigí, druidigí, uile i ~, let you all stand, draw, aside.
Seasamh, imeacht, ar leathchois, to stand, hop along, on one leg.
D’éirigh siad de ~ ina seasamh, they sprang to their feet.
Ag seasamh na honóra, keeping up appearances.
Ag seasamh na honóra le chéile, standing on ceremony with each other; vying with each other.
Bhí siad ina seasamh ina ~anna, they were standing in rows.
1. ~ sheasta, fixed star.
A ~ duit suí nó seasamh, (i) you may sit or stand as you please, (ii) whether you sit or stand.
Ní sheasann ~ folamh, ‘an empty sack won’t stand’, it is hard to work on an empty stomach.
~amh ar do shláinte, to depend on one’s health (to enable one to continue working).
Níl agam le seasamh air ach corrlá oibre, I have nothing to rely on but an odd day’s work.
~amh ar argóint, ar ráiteas, to stand by an argument, by a statement.
~aim air (go), I maintain (that).
An rud a ~ann an comhartha dó, what the sign stands for.
~amh le duine i nguais, to stand by s.o. in danger.
~amh le conradh, to abide by a contract.
~ le do ghealltanas, stand by your promise.
~ann sé lena fhocal, he is a man of his word.
Ní luaithe ina suí ná ina ~ í, she never takes, never gets, time to sit down.
Fág na crainn óga ina ~, leave the young trees standing.
Ba dheas a ~ i mbróga, she carried herself beautifully.
Bhí ~ fada orainn ag an stad bus, we had a long wait at the bus stop.
Níl ~ san aimsir, the weather is not settled.
Tá ~ maith sa leathar sin, that is really durable leather.
Tá ~ a choda ann, he is able to stand up for himself.
Is dona an ~ a rinne siad, they put up a poor resistance.
Tá ~ na tíre orthu, the country is depending on them; they are the mainstay of the country.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to rely on sth.
Bhí sé ag teacht ar ~ go trom uirthi, she was shipping heavy seas.
~a farraige, raging seas.
Bhí ~eacha farraige, gaoithe, ann, there were tearing seas, howling blasts of wind.
Farraigí an domhain, the seas of the world, the seven seas.
Na farraigí arda, the high seas.
Ag tógáil ~, shipping seas.
Aimsir, farraige, fhiáin, wild weather, seas.
Ar ~, on the high seas.
~eanna farraige móire, great surging seas.
Ag ~eadh na dtonn, na farraige, ploughing the waves, the seas.
~anna farraige, rolling seas.
Saoistí farraige móire, great rolling seas.
Tá an bád ag tógáil ~, the boat is shipping seas.
An fharraige a ~adh, to scour the seas.
Sithí farraige móire, great surging seas.
Sléibhte mara, mountainous seas.
Ag ~t thar toinn, coming across the seas.
An fharraige atá ~ orainn, the seas around us.
Ag ~áil farraige, shipping seas.
Amuigh ar na ~ta báite, out on the perilous seas.
An fharraige a threabhadh, to plough the seas.
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