Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
SAA Saar · Saarbruck
SAG sag · saga · sagacious · sagaciousness · sage · sago · sago-palm
SAH Sahara
SAK sake · sakeret
SAM Sam · Sam Browne · Samaria · Samaritan · same · sameness · samite · samovar · Samoyed · sampan · samphire · sample · sampler · sampling · Samuel · samurai
SAP sap · sapajou · sapience · sapient · sapless · sapling · saponaceous · saponify · sapper · sapphic · sapphire · Sappho · sappy · saprophyte · sap-wood
SAS sash · sash-window · sassafras
SAV savage · savageness · savanna · savant · save · saveloy · saver · saving · savings-bank · saviour · savoir-faire · savory · savour · savouriness · savourless · savoury · Savoy · savvy
SAW saw · saw-bench · saw-cut · saw-dust · sawfish · sawfly · saw-frame · saw-horse · sawing · sawmill · saw-pit · saw-set · saw-tooth · saw-toothed · saw-way · sawyer
SAX sax · saxatile · saxhorn · saxifrage · Saxon · saxophone · saxophonist
SAY say · say over · saying
SCU scud · scuff · scuffle · scull · sculler · scullery · scullion · sculptor · sculptress · sculptural · sculpture · sculpturesque · scum · scumble · scummy · scupper · scurf · scurfy · scurrility · scurrilous · scurry · scurvy · scurvy-grass · scut · scutch · scutcheon · scute · scutellum · scuttle · scuttler
SCY Scylla · scythe · scythe-stone
SEA sea · sea-anchor · sea-anemone · sea-arm · sea-bathing · sea-biscuit · seaboard · sea-boat · sea-boots · sea-born · sea-borne · sea-bottom · sea-bound · sea-calf · sea-captain · sea-carrier · sea-chart · sea-chest · sea-coast · sea-cow · sea-craft · sea-dog · sea-eagle · sea-eel · sea-elephant · seafarer · seafaring · sea-fennel · sea-fight · sea-fish · sea-fishery · sea-floor · seafood · sea-front · sea-girt · sea-god · sea-going · sea-grass · sea-green · sea-gull · sea-horse · sea-kale · seal · sea-lawyer · sea-legs · sealer · sealery · sea-letter · sea-level · sea-light · sea-line · sealing-wax · sea-lion · sea-lord · seal-ring · sealskin · seam · seaman · seamanlike · seamanship · sea-mark · seamew · seamless · seamstress · seamy · seance · sea-otter · sea-pass · sea-pie · sea-piece · sea-pink · seaplane · sea-plant · seaport · sea-power · sear · search · searcher · searchlight · search-party · searing-iron · sea-risk · sea-room · sea-rover · seascape · sea-scout · sea-serpent · sea-shell · sea-shore · sea-sick · sea-sickness · seaside · season · seasonable · seasonableness · seasonal · seasoned · sea-song · seasoning · season-ticket · sea-speed · sea-squirt · seat · seat-box · seater · seating · sea-trip · sea-trout · sea-urchin · sea-voyage · sea-wall · seaward · seawards · sea-water · sea-way · seaweed · sea-wife · sea-wind · sea-wolf · seaworthiness · seaworthy · sea-wrack
SEB sebacious
SEE see · see about · see after · see in · see into · see off · see out · see through · see to · seed · seed-bed · seed-cake · seed-corn · seeder · seedling · seed-oysters · seed-pearls · seed-potatoes · seed-shop · seedsman · seed-time · seedy · seeing · seek · seek after · seek for · seek out · seeker · seem · seeming · seemliness · seemly · seep · seepage · seer · see-saw · seethe
SEI seigniorial · seigniory · seine · seiner · seise · seism · seismic · seismography · seismology · seize · seizing · seizure
SEL seldom · select · selection · selective · selectivity · selector · selenite · selenium · selenography · self · self-abasement · self-abnegation · self-acting · self-apparent · self-assertion · self-assertive · self-assurance · self-assured · self-balancing · self-centred · self-centring · self-colour · self-command · self-communion · self-complacency · self-complacent · self-conceit · self-confidence · self-confident · self-conscious · self-consciousness · self-contained · self-control · self-deception · self-defence · self-denial · self-denying · self-determination · self-discipline · self-educated · self-energized · self-esteem · self-evident · self-examination · self-explanatory · self-feeding · self-fertilization · self-filling · self-governing · self-government · self-heal · self-ignition · self-importance · self-important · self-imposed · self-induction · self-indulgence · self-indulgent · self-instruction · self-interest · selfish · selfishness · self-knowledge · selfless · self-love · self-loving · self-made · self-murder · self-mutilation · self-opinionated · self-portrait · self-possessed · self-possession · self-praise · self-preservation · self-propelling · self-raising · self-reliance · self-reliant · self-respect · self-respecting · self-restraint · self-righteous · self-righting · self-sacrifice · self-same · self-satisfaction · self-satisfied · self-seeking · self-starter · self-styled · self-sufficiency · self-sufficient · self-supporting · self-taught · self-toning · self-will · self-willed · sell · sell off · sell out · sell up · seller · selling · selvage
SES sesame · sesquioxide · sessile · session
SEX sex · sexagenarian · sexed · sexennial · sexless · sext · sextant · sextet · sextillion · sexton · sexton-beetle · sextuple · Sextus · sexual · sexuality
SGR sgraffito
SHO shoal · shock · shock-absorber · shocker · shock-headed · shocking · shocking-coil · shoddiness · shoddy · shoe · shoe-black · shoe-brake · shoe-brush · shoe-buckle · shoe-cream · shoe-horn · shoe-lace · shoe-maker · shoe-making · shoe-shop · shoe-strap · shoe-string · shoo · shoot · shoot away · shoot down · shoot off · shoot out · shoot up · shooter · shooting · shooting-box · shooting-gallery · shooting-party · shooting-range · shooting-stick · shop · shop man · shop-assistant · shop-boy · shop-case · shop-fitter · shop-foreman · shop-front · shop-girl · shopkeeper · shopkeeping · shop-lifter · shop-lifting · shopper · shopping · shop-soiled · shop-walker · shop-window · shore · shore-boat · shorn · short · shortage · short-armed · short-bread · short-circuit · shortcoming · short-date · shorten · shorthand · short-headed · shorthorn · short-legged · short-lived · shortness · short-range · short-sighted · short-sightedness · short-tempered · short-term · short-winded · shot · shot-gun · shot-proof · shot-tower · should · shoulder · shoulder-belt · shoulder-blade · shoulder-knot · shoulder-strap · shout · shout down · shout out · shouting · shove · shove aside · shove away · shove back · shove forward · shove off · shove out · shovel · shovel away · shovelful · shovel-hat · shoveller · shoving · show · show in · show off · show out · show through · show up · show-bill · show-boat · show-card · show-case · show-down · shower · shower-bath · showery · show-flurry · show-ground · showiness · showing · showman · showmanship · show-place · showroom · showy
SHR shrapnel · shred · shrew · shrewd · shrewdness · shrewish · shrewishness · shriek · shrieking · shrievalty · shrift · shrike · shrill · shrimp · shrine · shrink · shrinkage · shrinking · shrinkproof · shrive · shrivel · shroud · shrouded · shrove · Shrovetide · shrub · shrubbery · shrug · shrunken
SHY shy · shyness · shyster
SIA Siam · Siamese
SIB Siberia · Siberian · sibilant · sibyl · sibylline
SIE siege · siege-artillery · sienna · siesta · sieve
SIF sift · sifter · sifting
SIP sip · siphon · sippet
SIR sir · sire · siren · sirloin · sirocco · sirrah
SIT sit · sit down · sit out · sit up · sit-down · site · sitter · sitting · sitting-room · situate · situated · situation
SIZ sizar · sizarship · size · size up · sizeable · sized · sizzle
SKA skate · skater · skating · skating-rink
SKE skedaddle · skein · skeleton · skelp · skep · skerry · sketch · sketch in · sketch-book · sketcher · sketching · sketchy · skew · skewbald · skewer
SKI ski · skid · skidding · skier · skiff · skilful · skill · skilled · skillet · skilly · skim · skimmer · skim-milk · skimp · skimpiness · skimpy · skin · skin-dealer · skin-deep · skin-disease · skin-dresser · skinflint · skinful · skin-grafting · skinned · skinning · skinny · skin-tight · skip · skipjack · skipper · skipping · skipping-rope · skirl · skirmish · skirmisher · skirt · skirting · skit · skitter · skittish · skittle · skittle-alley · skive · skiver · skivvy
SKU skua · skulk · skull · skull-cap · skunk
SLU slub · sludge · sludgy · slug · sluggard · sluggish · sluggishness · sluice · sluice-gate · sluice-way · slum · slumber · slummy · slump · slur · slurred · slush · slushy · slut · sluttish
SLY sly · sly-boots · slyness
SMI smilax · smile · smiling · smirch · smirk · smirking · smite · smite down · smith · smithereens · smithy
SMU smudge · smudgy · smug · smug-faced · smuggle · smuggler · smuggling · smugness · smut · smuttiness · smutty
SNE sneak · sneaking · sneck · sneer · sneering · sneeze
SNI snick · sniff · sniffle · sniffling · sniffy · snift · snigger · sniggering · snip · snip off · snipe · sniper · snippet · snippety · snivel · sniveller
SO so
SOS so so · so-so
SOB sob · sober · soberness · sobersides · sobriety
SOD sod · soda · sodality · soda-water · sodden · sodium · sodomite · sodomy
SOE soever
SOG soggy
SOH soh
SOI soil · soiled · soil-pipe
SOJ sojourn
SOO soon · soot · sooth · soothe · soother · soothing · soothsayer · soothsaying · sooty
SOR sorb · sorbet · sorcerer · sorceress · sorcery · sordid · sordidness · sore · soreness · sorghum · sorites · sorority · sorrel · sorrow · sorrowful · sorrowing · sorry · sort · sorter · sortie · sorting
SOT sot · sottish · sotto voce
SOY soy · soya-bean
SPU spud · spume · spumous · spun · spunk · spunky · spur · spurge · spurge-flax · spurge-laurel · spurious · spuriousness · spurn · spurrey · spurrier · spurt · sputter · sputtering · sputum
SPY spy · spy-glass · spy-hole · spying
STA stab · stabbing · stability · stabilization · stabilize · stabilizer · stable · stable-boy · stable-companion · stableman · stabling · stabstitch · stab-wound · staccato · stack · stadium · staff · staff-officer · stag · stag-beetle · stage · stage-box · stage-carpenter · stage-coach · stage-craft · stage-door · stage-effect · stage-fright · stage-hand · stage-manager · stage-name · stager · stage-rights · stage-struck · stage-whisper · stagger · staggered · staggerer · staggering · stag-horn · staghound · staging · stag-ing · stagnancy · stagnant · stagnate · stagnation · stag-party · stagy · staid · staidness · stain · stainless · stair · stair-carpet · staircase · stair-rod · stake · stake-holder · stalactite · stalagmite · stale · stalemate · staleness · stalk · stalker · stalking · stalking-horse · stall · stall-fed · stall-holder · stallion · stalwart · stamen · stamina · staminate · stammer · stammerer · stammering · stamp · stamp out · stamp-album · stamp-collector · stamp-dealer · stamp-duty · stamped · stampede · stamper · stamping · stamping-mill · stamping-press · stamp-machine · stance · stanch · stanchion · stand · stand aside · stand away · stand back · stand by · stand down · stand for · stand in · stand off · stand out · stand over · stand to · stand up · standard · standard-bearer · standardization · standardize · stand-by · stand-camera · stand-in · standing · stand-offish · stand-offishness · stand-pipe · standpoint · standstill · stand-up · stannate · stannic · stanniferous · stanza · staple · stapler · star · starboard · starch · starched · stardom · stare · star-fish · star-gazing · staring · stark · starless · starlight · starling · star-lit · starred · starry · star-shell · star-shower · star-spangled · start · start up · starter · star-thistle · starting · starting-engine · starting-gate · starting-gear · starting-handle · starting-line · starting-place · starting-post · starting-price · startle · startling · starvation · starve · starved · starveling · starving · starwort · state · state-aided · statecraft · stated · stateless · stateliness · stately · state-managed · statement · state-room · statesman · statesmanlike · statesmanship · state-sponsored · static · station · stationary · stationer · stationery · stationmaster · statistical · statistician · statistics · Statius · stator · statuary · statue · statuesque · statuette · stature · status · statute · statute-barred · statute-book · statute-law · statutory · staunch · staunchness · stave · stave in · stave off · stay · stay away · stay in · stay on · stay out · stay up · stay-at-home · stayer · staying · stay-lace · stay-rod · stay-rope · staysail
STE stead · steadfast · steadfastness · steadiness · steading · steady · steady down · steak · steal · stealer · stealing · stealth · stealthiness · stealthy · steam · steamboat · steam-boiler · steam-box · steam-cock · steam-crane · steam-driven · steam-engine · steamer · steam-gauge · steam-hammer · steam-heating · steaming · steam-jacket · steam-port · steam-pressure · steam-roller · steamship · steam-shovel · steam-tight · steam-whistle · steamy · stearate · stearic · stearin · steed · steel · steel-clad · steel-engraved · steel-engraver · steel-engraving · steel-faced · steel-grey · steel-plate · steel-plated · steelwork · steel-works · steely · steel-yard · steep · steepen · steeping · steeple · steeplechase · steeple-jack · steepness · steer · steerable · steerage · steerage-way · steering · steering-column · steering-compass · steering-engine · steering-gear · steering-wheel · steersman · steeve · stele · stellar · stellate · stem · stemmed · stemson · stench · stench-pipe · stench-trap · stencil · stenographer · stenography · Stentor · stentorian · step · step across · step aside · step back · step down · step forward · step in · step off · step on · step out · step over · step up · step-bearing · stepbrother · stepchild · step-cone · step-dance · stepdaughter · stepfather · step-gable · Stephen · step-ladder · stepmother · steppe · stepped · stepper · stepping-stone · stepsister · stepson · stereo · stereochemistry · stereograph · stereographic · stereography · stereophonic · stereophotography · stereoscope · stereoscopic · stereotype · stereotyped · sterile · sterility · sterilization · sterilize · sterling · stern · stern-chase · stern-chaser · stern-fast · stern-light · sternmost · sternness · stern-oar · stern-post · stern-sheet · sternum · sternutation · stern-way · stertorous · stet · stethoscope · stevedore · stew · steward · stewardess · stewardship · stewed · stewpan · stewpot
STO stoa · stoat · stock · stock still · stock-account · stockade · stock-book · stock-breeder · stock-breeding · stock-broker · stock-dove · stocker · stock-exchange · stock-farm · stock-fish · stock-holder · Stockholm · stockinette · stocking · stocking stitch · stocking-loom · stock-in-trade · stockist · stock-keeper · stockless · stock-list · stock-man · stock-market · stock-owl · stock-pot · stock-room · stock-solution · stock-taking · stock-turn · stock-whip · stocky · stock-yard · stodge · stodgy · stoic · stoical · stoicism · stoke · stokehold · stoke-hole · stoker · stole · stolid · stolidity · stolon · stomach · stomach-ache · stomachal · stomach-cough · stomacher · stomach-pump · stone · stone-axe · stone-blind · stone-break · stone-breaker · stone-broke · stonechat · stone-coal · stone-cold · stone-crop · stone-crusher · stone-curlew · stone-cutter · stone-dead · stone-deaf · stone-dresser · stone-falcon · stone-fruit · stone-guard · stonemason · stone-plover · stone-quarry · stonewall · stone-wall · stonewaller · stoneware · stonework · stoniness · stony · stony-broke · stony-hearted · stooge · stook · stool · stool-pigeon · stoop · stooping · stop · stop away · stop down · stop-bath · stopcock · stop-gap · stop-gear · stop-hit · stoppage · stopped · stopper · stopping · stopping-place · stop-point · stop-press · stop-signal · stop-watch · storage · storax · store · storehouse · storekeeper · store-room · storey · storeyed · storied · stork · storm · storm-area · storm-beaten · storm-bell · storm-bird · storm-bound · storm-centre · storm-cloud · storm-collar · storm-cone · stormer · storming · storm-lantern · storm-proof · storm-sail · storm-tossed · storm-troops · storm-window · stormy · story · story-book · story-teller · story-telling · stoup · stout · stout-hearted · stoutish · stoutness · stove · stove-enamelled · stove-pipe · stove-polish · stow · stowage · stowaway · stower
STR Strabane · strabism · straddle · straggle · straggler · straggling · straight · straighten · straightforward · straightforwardness · straightness · straightway · strain · strained · strainer · straining-bag · straining-screw · straining-stay · strait · straitened · strait-laced · strake · stramonium · strand · stranded · strange · strangeness · stranger · strangle · stranglehold · strangles · strangling · strangulate · strangulation · strangury · strap · strap-brake · strap-hang · strap-hanger · strap-hinge · strap-oil · strapping · strata · stratagem · strategic · strategist · strategy · stratification · stratify · stratosphere · stratum · stratus · straw · strawberry · strawberry mark · strawberry-tree · straw-board · straw-bottomed · straw-coloured · stray · streak · streaky · stream · stream forth · stream in · stream out · streamer · streaming · stream-line · stream-lined · street · street-arab · street-door · street-guide · street-lamp · street-lighting · streetscape · strength · strengthen · strengthening · strenuous · strenuousness · streptomycin · stress · stress-mark · stretch · stretch out · stretcher · stretcher-bearer · stretcher-bond · stretcher-party · strew · stria · striated · stricken · strickle · strict · strictness · stricture · stride · stridency · strident · stridulate · stridulation · strife · strike · strike down · strike in · strike off · strike out · strike up · strike-breaker · striker · striking · string · string up · stringed · stringency · stringent · stringer · stringy · strip · strip-cartoon · stripe · striped · strip-iron · stripling · stripper · strive · stroke · stroke-play · stroll · stroller · strolling · strong · strong-armed · strong-box · stronghold · strong-minded · strong-mindedness · strong-room · strontia · strontium · strop · strophe · structural · structure · struggle · struggle in · struggler · struggling · strum · struma · strumous · strumpet · strut · strychnine
STY sty · style · stylet · stylish · stylist · stylistic · stylistics · stylize · stylobate · stylograph · stylus · stymie · styptic · styrax · Styxs
SUA suable · suasion · suave · suavity
SUB subacetate · subacid · subacute · sub-agency · sub-agent · subalpine · subaltern · subarctic · sub-charter · subchloride · sub-class · subcommittee · subconscious · subcontract · subcontractor · subcutaneous · subdeacon · sub-derivative · subdivide · subdivision · subdominant · subdue · subdued · sub-edit · sub-editor · sub-equatorial · suberose · sub-foundation · subfusc · subgenus · sub-heading · sub-human · subjacent · subject · subjection · subjective · subjectivism · subjectivist · subject-matter · subjoin · subjugate · subjugation · subjunctive · sub-lease · sub-lessee · sub-let · sub-librarian · sub-lieutenant · sublimate · sublimation · sublime · subliminal · sublimity · sub-manager · submarine · submerge · submerged · submergence · submersible · submersion · submission · submissive · submissiveness · submit · submultiple · subnormal · sub-office · sub-order · subordinate · subordinating · subordination · suborn · subornation · suborner · suborning · subpoena · subrent · subsalt · subscribe · subscriber · subscript · subscription · subsequent · subserve · subservient · subside · subsidence · subsidiary · subsidize · subsidy · subsist · subsistence · subsoil · subspecies · substance · substantial · substantiate · substantive · sub-station · substitute · substitution · substratum · substructure · subtangent · subtenant · subtend · subterfuge · subterranean · subtilize · sub-title · subtle · subtlety · subtract · subulate · suburb · suburban · suburbanite · Suburbia · subvention · subventioned · subversion · subversive · subvert · subway
SUD Sudan · sudden · suddenness · sudoriferous · sudorific · suds
SUE sue · suede · suet · Suetonius · Suez
SUI suicidal · suicide · suint · suit · suitability · suitable · suit-case · suite · suiting · suitor
SUP sup · super · superable · superabound · superabundance · superabundant · superadd · superannuate · superannuated · superannuation · superb · supercargo · supercharged · supercharger · supercharging · supercilious · superciliousness · supereminent · supererogation · superficial · superficies · superfine · superfluity · superfluous · superheat · superheater · superhet · superhuman · superimpose · superimposition · superintend · superintendence · superintendent · superior · superioress · superiority · superlative · superman · supernatural · supernormal · supernumerary · superphosphate · superpose · superposition · supersalt · supersaturate · supersaturation · superscribe · superscription · supersede · supersensitive · supersession · supersonic · superstition · superstitious · superstructure · super-tax · supertonic · supervene · supervise · supervision · supervisor · supine · supineness · supper · supper-time · supplant · supplanter · supple · supplement · supplemental · supplementary · suppleness · suppliant · supplicant · supplicate · supplication · supplier · supply · supply-circuit · supply-main · support · supportable · supporter · supporting · suppose · supposed · supposedly · supposition · supposititious · suppository · suppress · suppressed · suppression · suppressor · suppurate · suppuration · supraliminal · supremacy · supreme
SUT sutler · suture
SVE svelt
SYB sybarite · sybaritic · Sybil
SYC sycamore · syce · sycophancy · sycophant
SYR Syria · Syriac · Syrian · syringa · syringe · syrup · syrupy
SYZ syzygy
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht